Something has gone wrong at a remote scientific research station on Mars. All research has ceased. Communication has failed. And the messages that do get through are less than comforting. It's a level 5 quarantine and the only souls allowed in or out are the Rapid Response Tactical Squad - hardened Marines armed to the teeth with enough firepower to neutralize the enemy...or so they think. Written by
Plot Synopsis:
On Mars in the year 2046, in the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC)-owned Olduvai Research Facility, scientists are attacked and pulled into the darkness by an unseen monster. Doctor Carmack (Robert Russell) transmits a warning about a Level 5 security breach before the door behind him is torn open. He turns around and sees something through the gap.
On Earth, a team of eight Marines known as the RRTS (Rapid Response Tactical Squad) are preparing to go on leave. Their leave is cancelled when the squad leader, Sarge (Dwayne Johnson), receives new orders. Contact with Olduvai has been lost and the RRTS is being sent to investigate. The Mars station is quarantined and the 85 UAC employees on Mars are not allowed to return to Earth. As the men suit up, Sarge pulls aside John "Reaper" Grimm (Karl Urban) and asks him not to go because Reaper's sister is on the station. Reaper suits up anyway, and their team is deployed to Mars via a teleportation device called the "Ark", located at Area 51. The Ark was discovered in 2026, and scientists have been studying it. The team meets an early victim of the Ark system, Pinky (Dexter Fletcher), who "went to one galaxy while his ass went to another" (his lower torso now a two-wheeled engine resembling a Segway) during an Ark teleportation event. They meet up with Dr. Samantha Grimm (Rosamund Pike), Reaper's sister.
Their mission is simple: eliminate the threat, secure the facility and retrieve UAC property. Reaper converses with his sister and learns that they discovered humanoid remains on Mars that contain a 24th chromosome, making the creatures superhuman, invulnerable to disease and with the ability to rapidly heal injuries. The team locates Carmack, who is deranged to the point of tearing off his own ear. They return him to the lab and Grimm tries sedating him. The Marines explore the facility, encountering creatures intent on killing them. An Imp slays Goat (Ben Daniels) before being killed and brought to Grimm. Blood samples taken from two hostile creatures reveal that they were human. Grimm determines that their genetics have been altered by the addition of the Martian chromosome; however, the chromosome seems to "choose" whether it causes the person to be superhuman or a monster, apparently able to determine on a genetic level whether a person has the capacity to be evil. The chromosome is spread by the projectile tongues of those infected. The Marines discover that Carmack deliberately injected the chromosome into an "evil" subject (prisoner Curtis Stahl, a multiple murderer), who later transformed and broke loose.
Multiple attacks by the Imps kill Mac, Destroyer and Portman, reducing the squad to Sarge, Reaper, The Kid (Al Weaver), Duke (Raz Adoti) and Grimm. The surviving team realize that a Hell Knight has escaped through the Ark to the Earth due to Pinky's refusal to trigger a grenade Mac left with him to destroy the Ark. Sarge takes the Bio Force Gun, dubbing it the "Big Fucking Gun".
The group finds the UAC facility on Earth full of corpses. Sarge orders his men to kill anything alive in order to prevent the infection from spreading. The Kid finds a group of non-infected humans, and Sarge kills him for insubordination when he refuses to kill them. Pinky reappears, aiming a pistol at Sarge, but is dragged off by a monster.
Zombies attack, killing Duke and dragging Sarge through a malfunctioning bulletproof screen. Reaper is hit by a ricochet. To save his life, Grimm injects Reaper with Chomosome 24. Instead of becoming a monster, Reaper awakens as a superhuman with enhanced strength and healing abilities.
Following Reaper's transformation and the discovery that Grimm is missing, the movie takes on a first-person shooter perspective. Within a few minutes, Reaper slays an array of monsters, including Pinky, who has mutated into a Demon dragging his lower mechanism behind it.
Switching back to a standard camera angle, Reaper emerges at the facility's exit. Bodies are scattered everywhere, and a melted blue hole in the wall, the mark of a BFG blast, is still cooling. Reaper encounters Sarge and an unconscious Grimm lying on the floor. Reaper asks Sarge what happened to the non-infected survivors, to which he replies that he killed them. Reaper notices the same injury on Sarge that Carmack had before he turned into an Imp, something Sarge has been hiding. After a badly injured Grimm crawls to safety, the Marines face off. As he holds Reaper against the wall Sarge begins transforming, developing features such as a prominent skull structure, sharp teeth and red eyes. Reaper throws Sarge into the Ark, followed by a grenade. Sarge and the Ark are obliterated. Reaper retrieves Grimm, who is conscious but unable to walk, and holds her in his arms as he returns to the Earth's surface.
chodefacemcgee69 from United States
Despite what many others may say, this movie is VERY good for what it is: a mindless action movie.
I enjoyed the game itself very much and it really scared the **** out of me. I was expecting a horror movie, but i soon realized that it is an action movie. Well, what can you expect from an action movie other than lots of shooting and SOME suspense? If you think the movie is shallow, it is, but its supposed to be. Anyone who complains about the movie being a mindless shooting movie should realize that this is not the movie for them, so they should go watch one of their "emotional" movies if they want. However, if you need a break and just want your testosterone pumping so you can take a break from life and just be a manly man. If you don't like The Rock, then go watch a romance or comedy, this movie isn't for you. However, if you like the video game and like mindless action, this is the movie for you. Remember, not every movie has to have some deep meaning or evoke emotion, some movies are just for fun. This is one of them.
I, unlike other people, did not find this movie to be a disappointment. I didn't go into this movie with high expectations. A movie based on a video game will never have an amazing story, or exceptionally good acting worth an academy award. A movie like this will have good action, reasonable suspense, and be the type of movie you can watch again and enjoy it just as much as the first time. For the most part, this movie lives up to those expectations. It has good action sequences, it is a re-watchable movie, and the storyline isn't quite as bad as I thought it would be. Sure, they changed stuff from the video game during the transition, but it still worked, and you cant expect everything in the video game to work as a movie, they had to change some things to help the cinematic view of it. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a movie with solid action sequences and anyone who is looking for some fun with their friends.
Staffan Bengtsson from Sweden
*Warning* This review contains mild spoilers to the GAME, but not the movie.
A dig in the nevada desert have found a portal to an ancient city on mars. Since then, scientists have struggled 20 years to find out more about the civilization that built the city and why they disappeared.
Apparently they found something. In an emergency transmission sent from the science facility on mars a head scientist explains that there is a "level 5 breach" and quarantine procedures must be implemented immediately. A squad of elite soldiers are sent to the science facility on Mars to protect and retrieve property and make sure quarantine is kept. What they find is naturally more than they are trained and equipped for.
This is another game that made it into the silver screen, and the DOOM franchise isn't exactly known for it's multi-depth story lines. This made me seek out and watch this movie with plenty of ice in my stomach, ready to forgive the producers for mistakes they made.
And mistakes were made. The greatest one was of course to change the entire plot. As a gamer who put more value in story than the action, I would personally say that the DOOM3 storyline was better than the movies (completely changed) storyline. In the game the city plays a central role. In the movie you never leave the work areas, you never get to see the old ruins. The city isn't even mentioned beyond the intro. Beyond 2 <10 second scenes, you do not see the Mars exterior. You barely register that these events take place on Mars, not on earth. The artifacts that played a central role in the game is not mentioned or present in the movie. The entire "Hell is loose" plot was completely cut away, the events of the movie blamed onto something *COMPLETELY* different. The theme "one man against hell" became "a few men and their issues". The ghost of the little girl (one of the games scarier parts) did not make it to the move.
DOOM3 was also a horror experience playing both on achluophobia (fear of darkness) and Monophobia (fear of being alone), this was an aspect missing in the movie where areas was lit and the characters was always going at least two and two. I almost think the movie could have been better if they hired less actors and put more money on storywriters.
Another aspect completely gone is the ambient red tone of being on mars, something that could have added a more artistic flavor to the movie. Except for very short moments in the beginning of the movie you never see that these events in fact take place on mars.
I was not happy to see the storyline almost completely changed and the horror downscaled to almost not scary at all with nothing better added to it. There are no deep questions asked here, no philosophical submessage to the audience to go home thinking about. This is a lighthearted actionmovie and that's it.
The most faithful part (to the game) is the labs and the monsters. he developers who made the game gave the areas/monsters/weapons an unique design that wouldn't have been right to move away from. If you care zero about the plot, then yes this is DOOM.
There's also the first person sequence in which we get to follow a series of events through the eyes of a soldier when he runs around and shoot monsters in corridors. It was fun, although I would say that it failed to capture me. I was mostly annoyed with the choice of music and it could have been more scary.
I see some ways this movie could have been made better with the material it's based on, but I did not expect it. At least the action is well done. If you want 2 hours of entertainment that wont change your world, DOOM offers just that. If you do not watch many movies and want some extra quality when spending time on one, you can jump this one.
Game-movies so far are between "awful" and "ok". This one was "ok".
JERICH9478 from United Kingdom
OK, we are all hearing how Doom the movie is a complete sellout etc, but still this is an enjoyable movie. The Rock as Sarge is absolutely perfect! i just couldn't imagine Karl Urban doing a better job then The Rock when it comes to Sarge. Although many have branded this film "Resident Evil in Space" and yeah it is but that doesn't subtract from the film at all. The 1st person scene was especially pulled off well and will give you some giggles (c'mon who didn't laugh?).The Score is absolutely awesome and sets the atmosphere perfectly! too me this film had an old school 80's horror feel to it which i felt made it that more enjoyable (we got lots of uncensored over the top gore which now we don't get enough of). Overall don't judge this movie till you see it because it is a lot better then people rate it unless your looking to find something thats a 100% identical too its source material (Doom 3) then i'd advise you to not watch this film because some of it has been completely rewritten from its original context hence no hell. Overall a lot better then what i was expecting too see
Mike (CapnMikel) from United States
So many people everywhere have some sort of Doom memory. Whether it be playing with friends, siblings, or hell even family, Doom seems to be something that anyone who's played enjoys.
If anyones seen the film Alien and Aliens -- the difference between the original dooms and Doom 3 is exactly the same. Doom 3 being more like alien, more horror with less action, and the originals like Aliens, more action, with some horror.
Now the film review. After seeing my title, "Faithfull no? Good film? Yes." your probably wondering how it could be unfaithful to the games and still a good film at the same time -- i'll explain.
Anyone who's played any doom game as much as I have(Which is a lot) will DEFFINTLY be disappointed in this film. It's got light rough elements of the original games in there yes, but not enough.
Lets not even talk plot for a moment. Say the whole 'hell' involvement thing didn't even matter. Think demons, think weapons, think action/horror. Thats what dooms always been about more then anything, right? Right. Which is why this film comes to a disappointment.
Lets talk demons first: They included 4 of the demons from the doom games, The zombie, The imp, the pinky, and the baron/hell knight whichever you want to call it, it really dose't matter in this case. The zombies behaved well, like zombies. You don't see much of them, but you see them none the less and they never do crap. You just see them die. Thats it. The imps and barons? They don't shoot fireballs anymore sadly. The barons use brute force, while the imps either just scratch or attack you with their tongue to turn you into an imp, IF your souls 24th chromosome is declared "Evil." If thats not bad enough, you don't even get a good look at them or see them very much! The pinky, he was in one very short scene, and pretty much just acted like a slow CGI monster, so it was kinda obvious. It was fun to see it get slashed with the chainsaw, one of the few moments that everyone loved in doom. Though, in doom 3 they at least explained why chainsaws were on mars..
Weapons: You see the rocket launcher picked up, but never used. You see the shotgun shot ONCE in a very dark scene, meaning you see flashes and hear a shotgun sound and thats it. The big mini gun/chain gun was used ONCE to shoot a monkey. Other then that you see the machine gun used the WHOLE time, and the BFG used twice. The double barrel shotgun and plasma gun don't even get a mention! The chainsaw just happened to be on a random table and used to kill the pinky. The pistol was used a few times. Shooting wise - this film was dull. The first person section was really the only place you felt doomish, other then the 2 times the BFG was used. Not to mention the BFG color changed from green to blue..
The action / horror: You don't see much of it. You see some action here and there, but it's mostly random. You don't see much shooting and stuff dieing. You do, but it's dark not very gory and hard to see. The horror? Absent in this film sorry to say. They tried 1-2 cheap scares, which didn't even work..
Plot: I'm not going to go into this. Only one thing to say : Not doom. The plot of hell and demons was taken out, and replaced with a genetics plot. Not much else to say.
Now i've explained why it's very unlike doom, i'm going to say one more thing on the matter, and thats that the soundtrack was nicely done(Remiended me of the original doom music sort of..) and the sets were constructed mostly very well and close to the game.
The next part of this review: Good as a movie.
Anyone who's never played a doom game, can DEFFINTLY enjoy this. Anyone who's never played video games: Can ENJOY this. They won't understand the FPS section maybe, but you can still enjoy it none the less. As a sci fi film, it's not the best out there no, but it's pretty well done, and if you don't see it as seeing Doom the movie, and just some sci fi movie on mars, you can DEFFINTLY enjoy the film.
The plot, is out there yeah, but it explains why some people are infected and others are not. It explains a lot about chromosomes, and hey, they even included an ancient civilization bit, which was in the game, AND makes sense in this plot.
Don't worry about knowing nothing about the games - it won't matter. You'll be able to understand it all.
Overall, you can defiantly enjoy the little action mixed with the strange sci fi plot, into a nicely mixed film that lets not refer to as doom.
My final judgment: If your a doom fan see it, but don't expect to like it. You may enjoy it as a film, but you won't like it as doom. If your a video game fan, see it, you'll probably find yourself enjoying it. If you like Sci-Fi, give it a go, if you haven't seen Sernity yet, which is the only other sci fi playing to my knowledge at the moment. If you just want a movie to see on a Friday night with some action, go for it. If your looking for a in depth rich story lined sci fi action combined film, go rent aliens..
I gave this a 6/10, because though unlike doom, it was still a well done film, and maybe one day Hollywood will learn to make a successful video game adaptation..
Christopher Smith
There are certain genres that are despised no matter what. The genre of movies based on video games is one of those and rightfully so. There have been a large amount pretty awful video game adaptations of such games as Wing Commander, Super Mario Bros., Tomb Raider, Street Fighter, Double Dragon, and House of the Dead. There have been, however, some decent adaptations like Mortal Kombat (the first film, not the sequel) and the Resident Evil films. Now that I've viewed the unrated version, DOOM can be added to that list. Although not nearly as stylish and entertaining as Mortal Kombat or Resident Evil, DOOM may not be the mind-blowing spectacle that fans of the video game were hoping for, but at least it knows what it is: a fun ALIENS knock-off. Unlike ALIENS, Doom lacks a strong story and well-developed characters that the audience can cheer for. The characters here are barely one dimensional. They are given essentially no motivation for what they do and as a result, the movie suffers. Still, it's better than one would expect thanks to some slick directing, a couple solid action sequences, and The Rock. 7/10
MxSChizo from Netherlands
Oh. My. God.
There are good reasons I voted for a one, mind you the graphics may be nice and flashy and there may be lots of guns involved, but that doesn't even come close to redeeming this movie's fatal error - The raping of Doom.
Doom was about an aerospace agency experimenting with dimensional gateways and thus opening a portal to Hell, spilling demons out that soon started warring with mankind.
This movie, is just another genetic experiment sprinter zombie movie, as if we didn't have enough, and the classical zombie wasn't defiled plenty. Still that isn't nearly as much of an atrocity as completely discarding everything that's Doom, or well, they have retained some resemblances with Doom as they said. Resemblances like them having guns, and them having to shoot bad guys. It's nothing but another shite movie about a bunch of roughnecks with big boomsticks fighting with more sprinter zombies, hence I vote to rename this movie to "Resident Evil 2: RE on Mars" and stop this good for nothing posse of "actors and scriptwriters" from dragging along with Doom's fame because they can't produce anything good of their own.
BigHardcoreRed from Calimesa, California
Doom was quite an entertaining video-game turned movie. It promised violence and it definitely delivered. While you did not have to think too much about what was going on, it did have a plot with some great twists. I expected a straight forward "shooter" movie, very similar to the game and, frankly, I expected it to be boring. I was anything but. The video game style of the movie was limited pretty much to one scene. One awesome scene that, if you felt the movie lacked in violence in any way, should fulfill your blood lust.
Sarge (The Rock) is the leader of an elite USMC team which is sent to a space station on Mars to investigate a problem of disappearing scientists. Upon discovering most of the scientists dead, they soon realized they were not going to stay that way. I do not want to give away much more than that but there is more to this movie.
Sarge's team consists of Destroyer (Deobia Oparei), the religious Goat (Ben Daniels), Duke (Raz Adoti), Portman (Richard Brake), The Kid (Al Weaver), Mac (Yao Chin) and John Grimm (Karl Urban), who happens to be the twin brother of one of the scientists, Samantha Grimm (Rosamund Pike).
Doom started off pretty slow, but once the ball got rolling, it resembled the game more and more and kept the excitement up as well. All of these actors pulled off their parts to great avail. Really, how could they go wrong? I went into this movie with extremely low expectation. Especially after reading some of the reviews so I was very pleasantly surprised. I can recommend this movie to those who love a good, bloody action movie. Basically, if you can relate to Sin City, then Doom is also the movie for you. 9/10
Mark Ashley from United Kingdom
This movie should have been the "Aliens" of the 21st century. The Phobos base should have appeared dank and deserted, save the occasional body. The atmosphere should have built to an unbearable, silent tension. Then, and only then, the hideous creatures from hell should have started climbing out of walls and from under floors, and devouring the marines.
But instead, the set of the base was boring (the film looked like it was shot in a single corridor). The atmosphere wasn't scary enough. The monsters were, frankly, pathetic. A guy in a rubber alien suit covered in KY jelly to make him look slimy may have worked 30 years ago, but not now. Where were the horrific bio-mechanical perversions of nature that characterised doom? (i.e. Spider Demon). Where was the demonic imagery? The torsos hanging from spikes in the ceiling? The five pointed stars painted on the floor in blood?
The plot had nothing to do with the original games. The whole "24th chromosome" thing was actually less believable than a portal to hell, and undermined the tension when you found out that the creatures were actually human (once).
There was no point to the film. No objective. Just people walking round corridors with guns. That may make a good game, but a film needs more than that. Even in Doom 3 (the game) there is a series of objectives, i.e. crossing the base to get to the transmitter and call for help. That's what this game needed - an objective for the marines to accomplish other than killing things. Without this, the film rambles on and the dialogue is superfluous, with no influence on the storyline whatsoever.
I wonder if the producers of this film have actually every played Doom. The film did a fantastic job of incorporating none of the atmosphere of the games. It wasn't scary enough, it wasn't gory enough, and it wasn't evil enough.
To summarise: it was crap. And I'm gutted >:-(
Hamiel ( from Finland
Being a vivid DooM gamer from as early as circa 1993 and knowing that ID software was involved in this movie, I had high expectations.
But then the bad news started to appear... Rumours began emerging saying there would be no hell, no Mars and no teleports; all essential parts of the original games. "Ok, these are just rumours", I thought to myself, putting my faith in the games' development team, ID Software, which I thought would keep an eye on the production and keep it true to the games. Fortunately, later on it was confirmed that it would indeed be set on Mars and that kept my hopes up, even though they decided to go with B-rate actors.
After seeing the movie I felt disappointed, realizing ID Software had completely sold out itself. Nothing in this movie is worth the title "DooM", except for the props, the monsters and the weapons. The movie to me felt like a Resident Evil clone set on Mars and if you ask me this movie should have been titled "Resident Evil: In Mars... with Bigger Guns... and Bigger Monsters".
A major disappointment for me was that the producers decided to remove hell from the movie. The idea of the monsters originating from hell was an important aspect in the games. I'm guessing the producers decided to remove the hell part from the movie because of the large population of Christians in USA, thinking it would scare them away from the box office. Doing so, they completely betrayed the gamers, so their plan backfired badly.
Viruses, cheesy one-liners, untalented actors, and not staying true to the original games' themes compel me to give this movie 3 stars. One for the creative FPS scene, one for the monsters and one for the props.
If you ask me, this movie doesn't deserve to be called DooM!
based on video game|hell|survival|massacre|extra chromosome|teleportation|commando unit|first person shooter|special forces|hand to hand combat|subjective camera|altered version of studio logo|villain played by lead actor|first person perspective|gatling gun|minigun|wheelchair|babe scientist|superhuman|paraplegic|brother sister relationship|blood|autopsy|genetic mutation|creature|mars the planet|super soldier|scientist|quarantine|monster|space marine|soldier|human versus monster|humanoid monster|bare chested male bondage|vomiting|mission|sewer|locker room|box office flop|escape attempt|laboratory|machismo|gun duel|gun battle|blood splatter|bullet ballet|brutality|slow motion scene|year 2046|2040s|2020s|21st century|hatchet|mouse|immolation|close up of eyes|ambush|arsenal|defibrillation|monkey|electric shock|caged animal|attack helicopter|search and destroy|starts with narration|year 2026|shootout|gunfight|foot chase|dark hero|murder|die hard scenario|laser gun|mercenary|opening action scene|mexican standoff|commando raid|commando mission|commando|wisecrack humor|main character dies|duel|tough girl|hero kills a woman|violence|mixed martial arts|martial arts|knife|blonde|behind enemy lines|wrestling|brawl|fistfight|disarming someone|suspense|combat|future war|fictional war|anti hero|pistol|tough guy|action hero|hero|fight|falling from height|chase|one word title|sign of the cross|breaking the fourth wall|good versus evil|nanowall|alien|studio logo segues into film|shot through the mouth|severed leg|severed ear|tattoo|torso cut in half|suicide|stabbed in the hand|slaughter|shot to death|shot in the throat|shot in the head|shot in the forehead|shot in the chest|shot in the butt|shot in the back|severed head|severed hand|severed arm|self mutilation|impalement|grenade|exploding head|exploding body|electrocution|decapitation|cut into pieces|corpse|chainsaw|bitten in the neck|baseball|back from the dead|axe in the head|killing an animal|elevator shaft|gore|outer space|military|phobos|zombie|sergeant|machine gun|gun|top secret|portal to hell|martian|alien invasion|accident|corporate crime|surprise ending|underground installation|high tech weapons|multiple monsters|
AKAs Titles:
Argentina:13 / Argentina:16 / Australia:MA15+ / Austria:16 / Brazil:18 / Canada:18A (Alberta/British Columbia/Nova Scotia/Ontario) / Canada:14A (Manitoba) / Canada:16+ (Quebec) / Czech Republic:15 / Denmark:15 / Finland:K-18 / France:12 / Germany:18 / Hong Kong:IIB / Iceland:16 / Indonesia:D / Ireland:16 / Ireland:18 (DVD rating) / Italy:VM14 / Japan:R-15 / Malaysia:18SG / Netherlands:16 / New Zealand:R16 / Norway:15 / Philippines:R-13 / Portugal:M/16 / Singapore:NC-16 / Singapore:M18 (unrated extended edition) / South Korea:18 / Spain:18 / Sweden:15 / Taiwan:R-18 / UK:15 / USA:R (certificate #42048) / USA:Unrated (unrated DVD version)