Stet, a troubled and angry 11-year-old orphan from a small Texas town, ends up at a Boy Choir school back East after the death of his single mom. Completely out of his element, he finds himself in a battle of wills with a demanding Choir Master who recognizes a unique talent in this young boy as he pushes him to discover his creative heart and soul in music. Written by
Dustin Hoffman seriously studied the piano in his youth, but was not considered talented enough to make a career of it - just like his character Master Carvelle.
Days before filming in Texas, Garrett Wareing broke his left arm in three places; shooting all scenes in a splint and having it cast after filming wrapped.
Sissy Spacek was originally scheduled to play the Debra Winger role.
AKAs Titles:
Brazil - O Coro
Germany - Der Chor - Stimmen des Herzens
Spain - El coro
France - Le virtuose
UK - The Choir
Greece - Χο‰δία
Croatia - Iz sveg glasa
Ireland (English title) - The Choir
Israel (Hebrew title) - Na'ar mak'hella
Italy - Fuori dal coro - Boychoir
Portugal - O Coro
Serbia - Iz sveg glasa
Turkey (Turkish title) - Koro
Canada:PG (British Columbia) / Hong Kong:I / Ireland:PG / Japan:G / Netherlands:6 / Philippines:G / Singapore:PG13 / Sweden:7 / Switzerland:10 / UK:PG