A group of friends stumble upon a mirror that serves as a portal to a "multiverse", but soon discover that importing knowledge from the other side in order to better their lives brings increasingly dangerous consequences.
Plot Synopsis:
------------------- A group of friends stumble upon a mirror that serves as a portal to a "multiverse", but soon discover that importing knowledge from the other side in order to better their lives brings increasingly dangerous consequences.
Written byWritten by:
mirror|german shepherd|hand over mouth|masked intruder|phonograph|shot in the head|shot through a pillow|doppleganger|seattle cityscape|sketching a portrait|reference to hannibal lecter|knocking a hole in a wall|hidden room|tricycle|dimensional portal|cellar|close up of eye|drinking beer from a bottle|pile of money|dynamite|vito andolini corleone impression|explosion|burning money|reference to frankenstein|reference to ryan thomas gosling|painting|gallery|betafire company|smashing a television|shot in the leg|interracial sex|note on a pillow|cut in half|breaking a mirror|axe|man wears a tuxedo|