In a world where humans and fearsome monsters live in an uneasy balance, young hunter Aiden fights to save his village from destruction by a dragon.
Plot Synopsis:
------------------- A young man named Aiden, who calls himself a hunter, protects his isolated village. One day, he learns that his village is threatened by an Elder Dragon, a monster cloaked in mystery. Needing to find a way to save his village, Aiden leaves his home and sets off on a journey into the unknown alongside Julius, a first-rate hunter and member of the Hunter's Guild, and his companions.
Written byWritten by:
hunter|hunting|dragon|monster|kaiju|based on video game|anime|cgi animation|computer animation|3d animation|monster hunter|weapon|sword|village|creature|netflix original|combat|armor|warrior|fight|guild|anime inspired|2020s|cgi|cat|