The story follows a group of teenage girls on the night of a sleepover as they venture out, led by the ringleader Chapin, in a competitive game of challenging dares. As the antics escalate, and the dares become more extreme, the girls unravel the truth behind a former student's rumored suicide. Written by
Plot Synopsis:
The movie begins with Chapin (Britt Robertson) sneaking out of her house to go to Eve's (Alexia Fast). Eve is having a birthday party, and is waiting for her father to call. The doorbell rings, and it's Liza (Scout Taylor-Compton). Liza tells Eve that her mother made her come, and asks Eve if she wants her to leave. Eve refuses, saying that she'll get in trouble if she makes Liza leave. They agree to be civil to one another.
Liza joins Cecily (Janel Parrish), Sarah (Emily Tennant) and Nina (Carly McKillip) at the party. They're essentially Stepford Wives. Liza sits by herself, feeding pizza to a rat she keeps in her bag; her only friend.
Chapin shows up, an exact foil to Nina, Cecily and Sarah. They go upstairs, but not before Chapin corners Liza. She tells her that she's not gonna ruin Eve's birthday, so she's gonna be civil to Liza, but they're not gonna be 'down' until Liza apologizes. Liza refuses.
Flashback to 4 days earlier. Chapin and Eve are talking in the hall when Whisper, a friend of Chapin's that Eve likes, and his friends walk up. He pulls the whole 'points-to-chest-person-looks-down-flicks-them-in-the-chin' thing with Chapin, obviously flirting with her, and ignoring Eve, who is pretty much just staring at him longingly. Eve is then shown with her soccer team, running warm-ups. As they run across what's known as The Jogger Bridge, every girl kisses her hand and sets it on the railing. Kayla (Valerie Tian) tells Eve to do so also, to 'pay her respects'. When Eve asks why they do that, Kayla tells her it's in memory of Stacey St. Clair (Julia Maxwell), a girl from Sacred Heart, a nearby Catholic school, that jumped off the bridge 5 months ago.
In the present, Chapin is bitching about how they're not doing anything fun on Eve's birthday. Everyone gives lame suggestions for things to do, such as sudoku, pedicures, and reading each other's blogs. Chapin hesitantly suggests Triple Dog.
Back 4 days ago, Eve asks Kayla and Toni (Laura Carswell), 2 girls on her soccer team about Stacy St. Clair. Toni tells Eve what she heard; that Stacy was at a party where she was given an acid hit. She was tripping and seeing butterflies on her fingers. One flew away, and she jumped off the bridge chasing it.
Back in the present, Chapin is explaining the rules of Triple Dog; everyone dumps all their money and their most favorite possession they have with them into 'the pot'.
The rules are as follows: 1. Everyone gets and gives a dare.2. You get to pick who dares you.3. You have to do your dare, or else you get your head shaved.4. If you can't complete your dare, you can challenge whoever dared you to complete it. If they do, you get shaved.5. With the exception of daring someone to shave their head, any dare goes.6. The whole night will be recorded.
At the end, they'll vote for who did their dare best, and whoever wins gets everything.
Eve picks Sarah to perform her dare first. Sarah picks Liza to dare her. Liza dares her to streak around the block. Sarah is hesitant to do so, as she is Catholic and very conservative. For fear of getting shaved, she does it, however, she is seen by one of Eve's neighbors and a car full of boys, who take pictures and videos. This is mostly due to Chapin following after her on her skateboard, yelling out about 'Sarah Algreen's virgin vag'.
Flashback to 3 days ago. Chapin is sitting in Study Hall playing Mad Libs with Whisper, Clarke (Jeff Ballard) and Stephan (Richard Harmon), who is throwing gummy bears at Liza, who is sitting alone at a nearby table. Liza gives Chapin a dirty look, which annoys her. Liza tells her to tell everyone why she got kicked out of Sacred Heart, and Chapin walks over to her and punches her in the face twice. Whisper has to literally wrestle her away from Liza. Liza is shown talking to Principal Scalco (Brian Markinson), who asks her if she's still carrying around that rat. Liza says no, but he gives her a piece of doughnut to give to the rat, as he knows she's lying. He asks her if she has friends, to which she lies again, saying yes. He tells her to stay away from Chapin. Liza leaves and Chapin walks in. She makes a couple smartass comments, and asks for her detention. Scalco tells her that they have a zero-tolerance assault policy, and suspends her for three days.
At her locker, Liza is checking out her bruise when Todd (Norman Gerard Funk), Eve's brother, and a few of his friends comment on her, not caring that she can hear them. Joe (Sefton Fincham) asks Todd if he would 'Superman that ho' for $20, and Todd says for half a million, he'd think about it.
Back in the present, Eve picks Liza to go next, and Liza picks Nina to dare her. Nina dares her to stay in Todd's closet until midnight, wearing Nina's Cheerleading outfit. Eve and Chapin lure Todd and his friends out so Liza can infiltrate his closet. Eve asks Todd if he wants to talk to heir father when he calls, and Todd tells her he's not gonna call. The girls give Liza Sarah's number, and demand a photo every half hour so they know she's still in there.
Eve picks Nina to go next. Nina picks Eve to dare her. The group drives to a local Western restaurant, where Mallory Silvers (Aubrey Mozino) works. Mallory has short hair, is on the soccer team with Eve, and was kicked out of Sacred Heart along with Chapin and a few others. She is in an embarrassing uniform, which Chapin takes pictures of and blackmails her into helping with Nina's dare by putting Nina's name next on the karaoke list. Nina gets on stage, and fakes a seizure, complete with foaming at the mouth (with the help of Chapin, who gave her Alka-Seltzer to chew on). Mallory's boss (Raugi Yi) tells Mallory to call an ambulance, and yells at her when she refuses. As the girls leave, Mallory pulls Eve aside, asking if she's brought up Stacy St. Clair to Chapin yet. Eve just walks away. The next time Liza sends them a picture, Chapin takes Sarah's phone and calls Liza, forcing her to answer and Todd and his friends to find her. Todd tries to pull her out of his closet, and she bites him. He goes to get his mom to get her out, and she calls him a baby, embarrassing him and blackmailing him with the thought of his mother finding his porn stash, into letting her stay until midnight. His friends leave for a party, but he stays, because he doesn't want to leave Liza alone in his closet.
The girls go find Whisper, who tells them that he and his friends are crashing a party at midnight. Chapin says they might go too, after their game. She tells Whisper that they're playing Triple Dog, and he tells her to be careful.
Flashback to 2 days earlier. Liza and Eve's moms see each other a the grocery store. Eve finds Liza and asks what she said to Chapin to get her suspended. Liza tells her that she told Chapin to tell everyone why she got expelled. Eve asks why, and Liza tells her that Stacy and Chapin got in a fight, and that Chapin pushed Stacy off the bridge in the heat of the moment.
Back in the present, Cecily is up next, and Chapin dares her to pee on Principal Scalco's (who she thinks is sexy) stoop. She drinks a bunch of water to prepare. Cecily gets on his stoop, pulls down her underwear and starts peeing, going unnoticed. Chapin however, isn't gonna let Cecily off the hook that easily, and jumps on Scalco's car, setting off his alarm. He opens the door to Cecily pissing on his Welcome mat, and she runs off.
Back in Todd's room, Liza starts crying, realizing that she's having the worst night of her life. Todd tries to sympathize, even spraying air freshener in his closet when she tells him that it smells. She sees him failing at Rock Band, and schools him at Expert mode. He watches her play, noticing how she moves, and realizing that he thinks she's hot. He tries to hit on her, saying that she's not ugly, he's sorry for insulting her a few days earlier, and that if she left the rat at home, she may even get a date. She sees that it's midnight, and comes out of Todd's closet. She says she should go find everyone else, to which Todd replies, "Or we could bone." When Liza walks away to change, he asks if he can watch.
The girls pull off at a park, and while Sarah comforts Cecily, who's afraid of getting kicked out of Student Council, Nina watches the video, and Chapin and Eve talk. Eve asks Chapin if she likes Whisper, to which Chapin replies that that's a shitty thing to say, because she would never go after someone her friend liked. It's Chapin's turn for a dare, and Cecily dares her to steal a Penthouse from a gas station, even though the porn is behind the counter, and there's a security guard on duty. Chapin is reluctant, and Cecily offers to do it herself, and Sarah explains that Cecily's father owns the station.
Todd drops Liza off at the gas station, and tells Eve that their father still hasn't called. He says good-bye to Liza, and they share a 'look' (it's my interpretation that even if they didn't have sex, they at least hooked up in some way).Chapin completes her dare, distracting the clerk and the guard by microwaving a metal can of baked beans and exploding the microwave. In addition to the Penthouse, she stole ointment for Liza (evidence that she slept with Todd), condoms for Sarah (to mock her), hair gel for Nina and a bottle of champagne for Eve. Cecily makes a comment about Chapin getting busted by the security camera, and Chapin produces the videotape from the camera from her vest.
Eve is the last dare-ee, and Sarah is the last dare-er. Chapin told her earlier what to dare Eve with, so Sarah dares Eve to go to third base with (give a blow job to) Whisper.
Flashback to the day before, when Mallory and Eve are at soccer practice together. Eve asks Mallory what happened with Stacy, and Mallory says that she doesn't talk about Stacy or Sacred Heart, but tells Eve to ask Chapin.
Back in the present, the girls arrive at the party where Mallory, Whisper and his friends, and Todd and his friends are. Eve asks Chapin about Stacy St. Clair, and Chapin says that she didn't even know Stacy, and that she (and assumably Mallory, also) was expelled from Sacred Heart simply because she was at the party. Eve sees how Todd is looking at Liza and asks if he was mad when he found her. Liza tells her that he got over it. Todd intercepts Liza and leads her off to a private room.
Chapin and Whisper walk outside together and Chapin tells him what her dare was. She tells him she has no intention of ever shaving her head, and he tells her she'd still be hot. Chapin pretty much figures out that he's got a crush on her, and leaves, luring him into the arms of Eve, who dances with him for a while before leading him downstairs.
Sarah sits down and starts knitting, and Stephan sits beside her. He is amused with her knitting, and she starts to teach him how. He gives her a flask, and she drink liquor for the first time. Someone texts him a picture of her streaking, and she gets embarrassed, but gets over it. She tells him that streaking was liberating, that even though she's a 'good' girl that she wants to rage occasionally, too. She even says 'fuck' twice when Chapin takes her downstairs to videotape Eve's dare.
Eve and Whisper kiss a little, and she starts to go down on him, but he stops her, saying that even though she's cute, he's into Chapin. Eve had suspected this, and she storms off. The girls run after her, and Chapin sees Todd and Liza come out of a room, both of them with clothes and hair disheveled.
Chapin drags Whisper into a room, yelling at him for not hooking up withe Eve. She tells him about her being upset that her father hasn't called and that now, if he doesn't hook up with her, she has to get her head shaved. She asks him if she kisses him, if he'll hook up with Eve. She kisses him, but pushes him away when he tries to kiss her again.She says about the game, "It's supposed to be fun, and then everything goes wrong," to which Whisper replies with, "Like with Stacy?" He tells Chapin that accidents happen, and what happened to Stacy wasn't Chapin's fault. She gets mad at him, saying that she shouldn't have even told him about it, and yelling at him to shut up, before storming out.
Eve finds Mallory. Mallory mentions Stacy St. Clair, and Chapin walks up. Mallory explains to the whole group (and half the party) that yes, Stacy did jump off the bridge... Because someone dared her to.
Flashback to the night of Stacy's death. Stacy, Mallory and Chapin, along with a few other girls are playing Triple Dog. Mallory's head is shaved, which explains why her hair is so short in the present. Stacy's up, and she picks Chapin to dare her. Chapin triple dog dares her to jump off The Jogger Bridge. Mallory warns them that the dare is stupid, but when Chapin mentions that there's $280 in the pot, Stacy agrees to do it. Stacy gets on the railing, and blows a kiss to the group before she jumps. She loses control in the current, and drowns.
In the present, Chapin says that she didn't know about the current, and that people jump off the bridge all the time and survive. Mallory says that Chapin had to be the center of attention, so she dared Stacy to do something that she couldn't. Chapin takes this personally, running off to the bridge. Everyone runs after her, including Mallory, Stephan and Whisper. Chapin gets to the bridge, climbing on the rail. Everyone is begging her not to jump, but she blows them a kiss, like Stacy had done, and jumps in the river.
Everyone runs to the river bank, but the only thing they see is her shoe. Most of the group run to the other side of the river, looking for her there. Eve and Liza stay, and Chapin walks up behind them, alive and unscathed. Eve yells at her for being stupid and selfish and attacks her, but Liza separates them. Chapin gets angry at Eve, saying that she needed to see for herself, because it was her fault. She tearfully confesses to Liza and Eve that she did dare Stacy to jump, and that the current was rough, but she didn't know how rough it was. She admits that Stacy's death was her fault, even though Liza and Eve tell her it was an accident. They all walk back up to the bridge arm in arm, and the group runs separate ways as police sirens approach.
The girls vote, with everyone but Cecily (and of course, Chapin) voting for Chapin. Cecily mentions that technically, they have to shave Eve's head, because she didn't complete her dare. Eve stops waiting for her father to call, instead taking initiative and calling him. He yells at her for calling so late. She literally screams in frustration, then agrees to have her head shaved. Chapin shaves her. Before Chapin heads home, she tells Eve that nobody in their right mind would leave a friend like her behind. It seems as if everyone is friends, even Chapin and Liza and Chapin and Cecily.
The next morning, Chapin returns to the bridge. She steps up to the side, kissing her hand and setting it on the railing before walking away.
weezebumble from Australia
4.6 out of 10? This movie was so fresh and unique. The acting was strangely very good, and the depth to the plot was, for me, totally unexpected. When I rented this, I suspected I would be able to handle maybe half an hour before turning it off, but I was so wrong.
The director had very minute attention to detail and it really showed. I liked the way that the shots were framed and found the camera work to be near perfect. So yeah, maybe the ending wasn't a complete surprise but the way everything came together was what made this movie a hidden gem. I found the final 10 minutes to be genuinely authentic and emotional.
It's a shame this was marketed as a teen thriller with a silly title and DVD cover-work because it was much more like a psychological drama.
Georgia James
This movie literally made me laugh at how bad it was. These fake reviews for the movie are even funnier. If you're into movies with mediocre acting, awful plot line, and lingo that is straight out of 2004, please watch this movie. Basically, there are these lame girls who are bored at a sleepover, so one of them, Chapman, decides that they all play this game called Triple Dog. Basically, some girl ends up diving into a river and another shaves her head (this was the best part, hilarious). Being a teen myself, I've never heard of such stereotypial characters with no moral compass or common sense. These characters' personalities are literally one dimensional, paper thin, and a real lack of any direction from the director. It sucks, but it's funny how much it sucks, so watch it to be ironic (but not really).
BenderJFry from United States
(not sure if these count as spoilers) I watched this movie on Netflix after it described it as a "thriller" about dark secrets coming out. The only thrill was when it was over and I didn't have to endure this awful movie anymore. The writing was absolutely horrible. The dialogue seemed like a 40-something man trying to write for teenage girls. It all came off as very awkward, and not at all realistic. The plot was boring and predictable. But despite these glaring flaws, what really bothered me was the character of Chapin. This girl is shown throughout the movie to be a callous, mean-spirited little troll of a person, and the movie expects us to feel bad for her. Time and time again, this character goes out of her way to make life miserable for those around her, simply to have something "exciting" to do, and it makes the viewer feel nothing but loathing and resentment for her. And her so-called "redemption", really just makes you hate her even more for being so stupid. If you like insipid, trite teeny-bopper movies like Twilight, this should be right up your alley. Otherwise, steer clear.
llsee from New Mexico
This movie still hasn't been released in the US, at least not in wide distribution, and that is a shame. Despite the 2 (so far) 1 star reviews, that appear to have been written by the same person, this is not a bad movie. The characters are a bit stereotypical, but, name a teen movie where they are not. And, frankly, the teens in this movie are far more believable than in most teen films. Part of the problem might be that this film seems to be categorized as a thriller, and it definitely is not. It is a coming of age movie. I like that the characters do develop over the course of the film. And, while it is hard to empathize with the main character, Chapin, in the beginning, by the end of the film I did. I am also a Brit Robertson fan from her work on the TV series 'Life Unexpected'. And, why this film got an R rating is beyond me. Oh, and this film passes the Bechdel test(look it up if you have never heard of it). That may be the reason for the unhappy reviews.
flubzee from United States
While this movie definitely contains all of the predictable teenage stereotypes, I thought it was entertaining enough. I was able to sit through the whole thing, and didn't feel like I had wasted precious hours of my life. On a scale of "ugh" to "OMG", it was a solid "eh". It won't kill your soul if you decide to watch it, but it won't enrich you either. It's mindless entertainment.
At the same time, the BIG secret that is to be revealed, as hinted at in the description, is, in no way, any kind of revelation. Any person in possession of a mild amount of intelligence would be able to guess how the movie ends.
Not a horrible movie, but not great, either.
wingedheartart from United States
I have watched a LOT of movies in my life. Good movies, great movies, bad movies, HORRIBLE movies...I love movies.
This movie? Sucked. Why? Well the girls all had pretty terrible personalities...not anything to care about. Shallow, bitchy, shallow and oh, did I mention SHALLOW???
Supposedly the main character is the birthday girl, but a character named Chapin steals the movie and not in a good way at ALL. She is over the top, looks WAY too young for the part, too small and cute to be as mean as she is supposed to be. When she slaps the one girl called Liza it is NOT believable in the least. The Liza girl is bigger and looks tougher/older. Maybe the casting person should have switched the actresses for their roles. Bullies aren't usually petite and have little blonde locks.
As a woman who used to be a teen girl, these girls were not WORTHY of any second glances from any decent person... male or female. Just a waste of space, the movie, the characters and there you go.
Don't bother watching unless you are really looking for a bad movie to watch.
I'd much rather watch or have in the background, ANY SciFi channel monster movie..including Sharknado and Big Ass Spider. BIG A Spider is quite good and funny. Those characters were way more likable than these girls.
Hope this helps.
Claudio Carvalho from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the birthday of Eve (Alexia Fast), she welcomes her friends Sarah Algrenn (Emily Tennant); Cecily Girber (Janel Parrish) and Nina Spalding (Carly Mckillip) at home. Out of the blue, the outcast Liza (Scout Taylor Compton) also comes to the party and later the troubled student Chapin Wright (Brittany Robertson) joins the girls. Chapin feels bored and proposes a "triple dog" game, where each one of them is challenged to do something bad. If the girl refuses, she would be head shaving. The girls spend the night playing pranks until they learn the truth about the suicidal jumper Stacy St. Clair (Julia Maxwell), who had jumped off from a bridge and found dead miles away.
"Triple Dog" is one of the awfulest films about coming of age that I have ever seen. The story is stupid from the very beginning, with teenage girls that have problem of relationship among them gathering and playing an absolutely silly game. This is not the only film that I see with this kind of game and I can not judge whether it is popular among American teenagers but it is so pathetic that the plot can never work.
Brittany Robertson is gorgeous and acts well, but the screenplay does not help her. However, the worst is the quantity of fake reviews to mislead the IMDb Users. I found strange how a viewer might like this flick and I found that most of them belong to people with only one review to promote "Triple Dog". My vote is one (awful).
Title (Brazil): "Verdade ou Conseqüência" ("Truth or Consequence")
I cannot believe that I fell for the few good reviews that some gave this movie. Maybe they're drunk, maybe they were stoned, but they sure as well weren't sober if they watched this and think they were good.
Where do I start. A "rebel punk" chick, Chapin (that looks like she came out of a nickelodeon cartoon) attended a "best friend"'s birthday sleepover with a few others and ended up insulting the hell out of the event, called it boring, and threatened to leave if she doesn't get what she wants. And if that's not bad enough, she peer pressured everybody (whose lives might not be as bad as she made hers but she basically forced them anyway) into playing a silly dare game that involves public indecency, public urination, public disturbance, robbery, vandalism, illegal drinking, underage driving, and borderline prostitution.
Then as the movie goes, turns out a few years before Chapin stupidly dared someone to jump off a bridge, who then died, and that she felt bad about it (which was apparently the reason she "rebelled") And yet HERE she is, a few years later, forcing everybody to do the exact same thing. Not dumb enough?
Let's continue. She then later got angry at everybody because 2 people from her old school mentioned that it was her fault (for some reason her friends think it isn't) and that she caused the accident. Then, after 1 girl told her it was stupid to dare someone to do that, Chapin took that into great offense (apparently she has no common sense at all) and asked the girl if it was a dare. The other said "No, I'm not that dumb" and again, SOMEHOW, she took it as a dare. Then she jumped off a bridge in front of everybody (cause an attention wh*re needs an audience) and then somehow at the end we're supposed to feel bad for her?
This woman is the meanest, dumbest, most selfish ATTENTION WH*RE of a character I have ever seen. Who thinks because she feels bad about something dumb that SHE did, she earned to right to lash out and be a b*tch to everybody and expects us to feel sorry for her (she actually blamed her friends for not understanding for a moment). The world doesn't work that way, this movie honestly wasted my time and trust me, if I could, I would save you the pain and misery that I endured during the movie.
Watching a selfish careless little barbie doll who talks like an idiot for 1.5 hours is not fun.
Russell Alexander from United Kingdom
I don't know where the negatives are coming from, as this was a great movie. This film was very watchable, and very enjoyable. It wasn't a normal teen drama, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to watch, and it dealt with adult themes as well as teenage issues. I'll admit, it was very different from what I normally watch but I'm glad I watched it. There were some very funny moments, as well as some very human moments.
The actors did a great job, and never seemed false or wooden. They seemed as natural in the role of teenagers as I've seen really. Each of the main characters developed realistically over the course of the night portrayed in the film, anything more would be over the top.
I'm suspicious of the strongly negative user reviews saying that the acting was 'weak', and wonder about deliberately false reviews. The negative reviews couldn't be more wrong, and are probably designed just to sink the movie for cynical commercial reasons.
lizzi6692 from United States
If I had known what I knew now I probably wouldn't have watched this movie. But unfortunately hindsight is 20/20. So in the hopes of saving someone else from the same fate, I'm writing a review. Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad movie, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a good one either. The twist is more than a little obvious if you think about it for more than 30 seconds.
The biggest problem though isn't the obvious ending, it's the fact that the people who made this movie don't seem very sure about what they wanted this movie to be. Half of it was straight out of a typical teenage slumber party movie, but the other half felt like it belonged in a serious drama/thriller. I kind of understand what they were going for but I think it would have been a lot better if they had concentrated less on the sleepover aspect and more on the thriller part of the movie.
There were some subplots that just didn't fit right and I also felt in some places like the use of "teen slang" was forced and just odd. Yes teens says things like "totes" and "shiz", but it felt like the placement of these words was too deliberate rather than the casual way they are typically used.
Overall, it felt like this movie was trying to be "I Know What You Did Last Summer" with less gore and more substance, but it just fell flat and looked like someone took two completely different movies and turned them into one.
suicide|ringleader|teen suicide|slumber party|car alarm|public humiliation|high school|pink panties|urination|public urination|shaved head|nudity|public nudity|covered female frontal nudity|bald woman|head shaving|truth or dare|streaking|implied nudity|female nudity|teenager|animal in title|title spoken by character|number in title|
AKAs Titles:
Singapore:NC-16 / USA:R (certificate #46312)