The horny farmer McDonald has his wicked way with a goat. Life returns to normal for the family, until the goat gives birth! The mutant off spring, called Billy, is tormented by the Farmer's sons, only the daughter feels any pity for him. It isn't long before Billy, who keeps growing bigger, plans revenge... Written by
Simon Wrell from London
I love this movie! Whilst it is not what you would call a good film, it is so funny and original that you cannot help yourself from loving it! The plot is completely bizarre; an old farmer has sex with one of his goats to make it produce more milk, the next thing you know it has given birth to a baby with a goats head and a baby's body! It grows up with the family but is tied into a sack and thrown in the river after breaking the farmer's beer bottles. So it carries out a ghastly revenge with very few survivors.
If you are easily offended, repulsed or are squeamish, stay away. If, however, you find farting, sex and gory killings funny, go out and buy it!
bad_badger from United Kingdom
I first saw this movie at a Black Sunday convention in Edinburgh and enjoyed it immensely. While not speaking for everyone, I attended the horror film festivals to see some gratuitous consequence-free violence and the occasional explosion, but consistently came away with a belly-full of pretentious ghost-stories and inscrutable Italian gibberish. Oh, and Revenge of Billy the Kid. Despite its suspect production values, it had absolutely everything a horror fan needs after six hours of disappointment and frustration. Violence, bestiality and sparkling moments of profanity and revulsion - so excruciatingly blunt at times it was a joy to behold, appealing to every rebellious instinct in my body. The most telling thing for me was the audience's reaction - after hours of polite coughing and rustling of sweetie wrappers, people finally came alive. They laughed uproariously at the depraved antics of the MacDonalds, perhaps as much in relief as amusement. My personal favourite moments are the expiration and consequent 'burial' of the granddad, ma's potato peeling and more or less any sequence involving the dreadful sock puppet infant Billy. I went to the effort of tracking this movie down on DVD and recommend that you do the same. You're not a complete person until you've seen it.
TimmyB from Los Angeles, CA
Anyone who does not find this one of the funniest films ever made in this genre should feel very ashamed! An island,a family all called Ronald McDonald,a killer half human,half goat,how could you possibly go wrong! What imagination! Greatest comedic sex scene ever,"gis a bit of that lardy lubrication"! A must must see for all you individuals who are skewed to the left just a tad!
plum-13 from bedford
This film was meant to be sh*te - that is what makes it so funny. It is one of the most hilarious films I have ever had the pleasure of viewing and a must if you like films like braindead - same sort of humour. The farts and belches ring through the incestuous family of the Macdonalds - who are the sort of stereotypical farmer types that we all secretly enjoy believing in. Line of the film is: 'Will, who the f*ck's will?" - you have to see the film to find out why. Also worth appreciating is the completely non predictable ending - a rare gem.
David Chiplin from Portsmouth, England
The film started bad but got gradually better as the alcohol took affect. The plot was poor and the acting abysmal but it makes for an entertaining view to go with a heavy drinking session with your mates. How anyone got the idea for this film is beyond me. Maybe it's a true story.
James Mcconnell ( from North Wales
Imagine The Evil Dead meets Monty Python on a farm. Chuck in a helping of Peter Jacksons Bad Taste and sprinkle liberally with farting, burping and daft humour, and you've got The Revenge Of Billy The Kid.
When told by his wife to take the goat to the mainland for it to mate, the farmer takes matters into his own hands and has his way with the poor goat. The goat gives birth to a freak who the farmers daughter (Named Ronald McDonald, like her siblings!!) takes a shine too and names Billy. But the creatures appetite soon becomes too big for her to handle, and her father chases Billy into the attic, where he apparently kills the mutant. But soon livestock is turning up slaughtered, and when a pair of poachers become mutant goat fodder, the scene is set for a gory showdown between Billy and the family who shunned him.
If you like ridiculous comedy and farting gags, plus a fair bit of gore, you'll love this!
Recommended for people who liked: Street Trash Bad Taste Braindead
camdenmc ( from London
This is one of the funniest films I have seen! It's like "Alien" on the farmyard with lots of bizarre characters, outrageous gags, neat twists and scary bits. It was made on no money, and anyone who doesn't appreciate it is a dork.
Coventry from the Draconian Swamp of Unholy Souls
This is probably one of the crudest, most politically incorrect and downright most repulsive motion picture ever made. You may take that either as a recommendation … or a warning! A recommendation because the vulgar humor and eccentric plot are hugely original, and this combined with some really cool gory make-up effects and a hilarious monster design make "Revenge of Billy the Kid" one of the few remarkable genre movies of the 1990's. But also a warning, because the offensive themes, perverted sexual implications and plain simply the whole tastelessness of it all makes "Revenge of Billy the Kid" a movie that is only accessible to a very selected group of people. The film revolves on the slightly – to say the least – flamboyant Welsh farmer family MacDonald. Patriarch Gyles lives with his lovely wife Gretta and his three children that are all called Ronald. The MacDonald family gives a whole new dimension to the term "hillbilly rednecks" as they fart, curse, booze and litter non-stop. The highlight of their raunchy family habits expresses itself when the grandfather dies at the dinner table… After battling for the remainders on his plate, granddad receives the noblest of funeral services when Ronald and Ronald simply dumps his corpse on the muck-heap! The actual plot only kicks in after a very extended introduction of the main characters. Gyles MacDonald feast his sexual lusts on one of his goats and, some time later, the poor animal gives birth to a disgusting little baby with horns and a hairy body. Daughter Ronnie, the most sophisticated and normal person of the entire bunch, takes pity on the little hybrid monster and decides to raise it. But regardless of her loving cares, little Billy grows into a mighty strong and vengeful monster. "Revenge of Billy the Kid" isn't exactly what you would call intellectual cinema, but who cares? It's often laugh-out-loud funny and the blood and gore effect are quite satisfying in spite of the extremely low budget. Several sequences have already immortalized in my mind, like the aforementioned "burial" sequence, as well as the sex sequence between Gyles and Gretta (I'll never look at lard the same way). Seek it out in case you have a twisted mind, seriously!
thefonz1 from Somerset
This is one of the greatest films ever made about country life. There is no doubt in my mind that it has been well researched and takes realism to a whole new level. I think Ron Howard would be a good candidate for a director should a remake be made.The action is laid back and cleverly reflects country life as it is today. I strongly recommend this film to all those who are pro hunting as it makes a great argument for country life and how it should be left to its own ways.Billy the Kid is not just about cowboys in the wild west and at the same time is far superior to films like Brokeback mountain, which this viewer found a little hard to swallow.I would love to see a sequel even though the name suggests that this is a sequel itself! Well done to everyone involved especially the bloke who played the farmer who started all the mayhem
mrgrumpy30 ( from all over
This IS one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. But it is fully compensated by the infamous "Your a bit dry" scene involving a handfull of lard, and a wife. It also involves the birthplace of a friend of mine, that'll be "CORNISH" and anything that makes fun of that place is great. Yes it is bad, yes the acting is atrocious and yes it is foul in all the places that movies shouldn't be. But it makes you laugh, cringe and scream and groan. What modern day hollywood thriller does that!!!!!!!!(And means it...O.K Runaway Car with Judge Rheinhold does all that and more but it is the best movie of all time, in it's genre.)
The filmmakers had an initial budget of £50,000, raised from a house sale, but then ran out of money and had to halt production. All attempts at funding in the UK exhausted, they went to Cannes to see if they could recruit some sponsors but all they came away with was a quote for their poster from John Waters. Undeterred, they continued advertising in many magazines and papers with the ad "Film company seeks money for completion of feature film". A businessman reader of "Private Eye", a satirical magazine in the UK, then coughed up an additional £27,000. Production was resumed almost a year after the first shutdown, only this time the leading man was unavailable and his part had to be re-cast and all his scenes re-shot. All in all, the entire production took roughly 3 1/2 years.
This was Michael Ripper's final acting role before his death on June 28, 2000 at the age of 87.
farmer|goat|mutant|revenge|attempted rape|england|piss pot|sharing a bed|low iq|mainlander|freak of nature|british horror|low budget|poaching|hillbilly|inbreeding|bestiality|independent film|character name in title|
AKAs Titles:
Argentina - La venganza de Billy the Kid
France - Crados Family
Release Dates: