The tragic story of Nicholas II (Michael Jayston), the last Czar of Russia, set against the backdrop of the Russian Revolution. It is an inside look into the private lives of Nicholas and his wife Alexandra (Janet Suzman), their daughters, their only son, and the painful secret about their son and heir apparent which bound the Imperial Couple to the mystical Grigori Rasputin (Tom Baker), and the eventual execution of the entire family.
Written by
Gailene Va. Holley
Plot Synopsis:
Based on the bestselling biography by Robert K. Massie, but less sympathetic to its main characters, "Nicholas and Alexandra" follow the last thirteen years in the life of Russia's Emperor and Empress as they face personal heartache, disloyalty and Revolution. Michael Jayston, Janet Suzman, Irene Worth, Sir Michael Redgrave, Dame Diana Quick, Brian Cox and Tom Baker star.