The curiously named, Moondance Alexander is a spirited teen living with her eccentric mother. She is faced with another uneventful summer until she discovers a lost pinto pony named Checkers who has jumped out of his paddock. Although Moondance returns the horse to his rightful owner, the gruff and mysterious Dante Longpre, she is convinced that Checkers is a champion jumper in disguise and is determined to help him realize his full potential. Moondance manages to talk Dante into training her and Checkers for the Bow Valley Classic and despite the criticism of her peers; discovers that perseverance, loyalty and individuality can land you in the winner's circle. Written by
Plot Synopsis:
Inspired by a true story, this family adventure features an all-star cast, including Don Johnson, Olympic-skating silver medalist Sasha Cohen, Lori Loughlin and Kay Panabaker. Life is a rough ride for awkward, friendless, 15-year-old Moondance (Panabaker). But when a Pinto pony named Checkers leaps into her life, Moondance pursues a dream she never knew she had. Convinced that Checkers has champion potential, she enters him in the Bow Valley Classic, and in the process learns only perseverance lands you in the winners circle. Directed by Michael Damian, and featuring an irresistible soundtrack, Moondance Alexanderis an uplifting story the whole family will enjoy.
When Checkers gets up from colicing, Moondance doesn't have a lead rope on him, when it cuts back to her, a red lead rope is clipped onto Checkers' halter.
champion|training|pinto pony|horse|eccentric|riding bareback|bareback riding|equestrian|girl|bonding|barn|horse actor|animal|friendship|girl horse relationship|teenager|teenage girl|single mother|runaway horse|mother daughter relationship|loss of father|horse trainer|horse riding|horse jumping|graveyard|gravestone|competition|cemetery|mother son relationship|family relationships|character name in title|
AKAs Titles:
Germany (DVD title) - Ein Pferd für Moondance
Spain - La leyenda de Moondance Alexander
Greece (DVD title) - O dromos tis epityhias
Hungary (TV title) - Holdtánc è s Pepita
Hungary - Pónikaland
Australia:G / Singapore:PG / USA:G