In a peaceful little clearing, the remains of a picnic hastily abandoned spark warfare between two tribes of ants. A bold young ladybug finds himself caught in the middle of the battle. He befriends one of the black ants, Mandible, and helps him save the anthill from the assault of the terrible red ant warriors, led by the fearful Butor. A fantastic journey at ground level...
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Plot Synopsis:
In a deserted spot at the heart of a natural valley, a couple of young lovers has just finished a picnic lunch. The young man is taking a nap under the pine trees, while his girlfriend, who is pregnant, is reading a book and munching on strawberries. Suddenly the young woman starts to have contractions. Her companion wakes in a state of panic and helps her up. The future parents rush off in their car, leaving the tablecloth with the remains of their picnic lunch behind them.
At the same time, not very far away, under some leaves at the edge of a clearing, a ladybug is giving birth to three baby bugs. After their first lesson in how to take off and fly, the little family starts to head home...Except that the littlest ladybug is also the most intrepid one and prefers discovering the outside world to obeying his mother and takes off alone in the forest. Very soon the brave little ladybug meets a gang of flies that taunt and chase him. The ladybug tries to escape, but due to his lack of experience he is soon overtaken by the gang, loses control and falls into a crevasse. Left for dead by the flies, the ladybug slowly comes to and realizes he has lost a wing in the accident. When night falls, he crawls out of the crevasse and calls out for his parents. As no one answers, the ladybug starts to wander in the forest in the pouring rain and finally finds refuge in a tin of sugar cubes abandoned by the young couple.
The following day, a column of black ants, attracted by the scent of sugar, heads for the tin box. On orders from their leader, Mandible, the worker ants lift up the box and start to take it back to their ant hill. A little later, the ladybug, who had remained inside the box, saves the ants' lives by chasing away a lizard, thus earning his place among the ants.
But it is just the beginning of a series of adventures those will lead the ladybug and the black ants to fight against the red ants, to keep their sugar box.
ant|black ant|ladybug|red ant|picnic|f rated|3 dimensional|fireworks|fictional war|box of matches|matches|mushroom|bank note|river|mountain|valley|nature|spider|fly|butterfly|ladybird|sugar cube|sugar|pregnant woman|
Argentina: Min鷖culos: El valle de las hormigas
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title): 信撔感叫感把鈥氀沤砚偓薪芯: 锈澬拘恍感叫把鈥毿 薪邪 懈蟹谐哑捫毙敌叫秆鈥毿 屑砚偓邪胁泻懈
Brazil: Min鷖culos: O Filme
Chile: Min鷖culos
Germany: Die Winzlinge - Operation Zuckerdose
Denmark: Minisekterne - Kampen om myrernes dal
Spain: Min鷖culos. El valle de las hormigas perdidas
Finland: Minisankarit - Ruohonjuuritasolla
Greece: 韦慰掀捨课次肯聧位喂魏伪: 吴 魏慰喂位维未伪 镶炏鈥拔 镶∥蔽嘉较鈥拔 渭镶ο聛渭畏纬魏喂吓轿
Hungary: Csodabogarak: Az elveszett hangy醟 v鰈gye
Italy: Minuscule - La valle delle formiche perdute
Lithuania: Didzioji skruzdelyciu karalyste
Mexico: Min鷖culos
Norway: Kule kryp
Peru: Min鷖culos
Poland: Robaczki z zaginionej doliny
Portugal: Min鷖culos - O Vale das Formigas
Romania: Minuscule
Russia: 锈樠茠泻邪阉喰盒. 信秆鈧感盒谎沤砚⌒敌叫感 胁 锈澬拘恍感叫 屑哑捬鈧靶惭艗械胁
Sweden (festival title): Miniscule - Valley of the Lost Ants
Sweden: Sm錵ryp: L錸gfilmen
Turkey (Turkish title): Minuscule: Kayip Karincalar Vadisi
Ukraine: 信⌒拘夹把藛泻懈: 信秆鈧感承拘葱 哑 锈澬拘恍感絠 信撗茠砚偓邪砚
USA: Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants
Venezuela (3-D version): Minusculo 3D