MovieAddict2016 from UK
"Jackass the Movie" defies just about every set law of film-making. It is rude, it is crude, and it is doggone hilarious. I can't really think of words to describe this film as none do so adequately. It is, of course, based upon the popular television show on MTV of the same name (except there's no "the Movie" on the end of it). Basically it is "Candid Camera" meets the X-Games meets drunkards. Its cast are a bunch of jackasses: Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Chris Pontius, Wee Man the Midget, Ryan Dunn, and Steve-O. They go around pulling various pranks, and sometimes - or most of the time - injuring themselves.
The humor is very selective - some will hate it and others (mainly stoned teens) will love it. Take, for instance, a gag where one of the men walks into a plumbing store and relieves himself into a display toilet. Things such as this have been insinuated before on a commercial I remember for Best Buy, but this movie shows everything - in detail - including the feces inside the toilet bowl.
Sound disgusting? Well it is. But some of the gags - for I can think of no other word to describe them - are just downright hilarious. For example, the co-creator of the TV series, Johnny Knoxville, borrows a car from a rental lot, takes it to a garage, has all the gears messed up and windows smashed, spray paints it, and then enters it into a car derby. He takes it back to the lot all smashed up and refuses to pay for the damage. He admits that he was drinking before it happened. He says they must help them pay for the damage to the vehicle. They point out that he signed a contract declaring that he would pay for all responsible damage, and he says, "Yeah, but I had a little to drink when I signed that, too."
The cast and crew seem to have not grown past the age of 13 in terms of maturity. One of the best gags involves about four men on a golf course blasting air horns during tee-offs. One golfer gets so angered that he throws a golf club at them and starts to actually tee off at the men (who are hiding behind trees on the course).
I've never quite witnessed something like "Jackass the Movie" before. It is like a giant unedited TV show stretched out to a full 80 + minutes, and let me say that this is the first time in history I have seen a TV-show-based film that I thought was too short. (Movies like "Night at the Roxbury" seem to go on forever.) "Jackass the Movie" is lots of fun - it isn't deep or intellectual, but it's fun.
This film is definitely going to gross-out certain people, and enthuse the more wacky crowds out there. But it is one of the most "technically" entertaining films of the year. It isn't a masterpiece but it is very fun to watch. Maybe I'm an immature sicko, but I liked this movie.
Before the film starts, there is a warning which reads something like "the stunts performed herein are executed by trained professionals." Let me ask: How does one train to be a jackass? This film doesn't tell us, but it sure does show us what trained jackasses are like. And you know what? Being a jackass looks fun.
duncthepunk (duncthepunk@hotmail.com) from Aberdeen, Scotland
belly laughs and occasional cringing from start to finish, people who don't find this film funny are kidding themselves. we've all seen the MTV series, this is more outrageous.
Anyone who would voluntarily:
1. eat their own urine mixed with snow 2. give themselves paper-cuts between their fingers and toes 3. fire rockets from body parts which shouldn't have rockets fired from them 4. shove toy cars where toy cars should not be shoved 5. attempt to make their mother swear on camera by going to the great length of placing a live alligator in her kitchen 6. attach muscle stimulators to tender glands
Deserve all the plaudits they receive.
It's not big, it's not clever but my god is it funny.....
Agent10 from Tucson, AZ
Quite simply, the scariest movie ever made. This includes the likes of the Seventh Seal and Working Out with Zsa Zsa Gabor. What our fellow man will do to himself to get a cheap laugh is beyond me, but it tends to work in multiple fashions. Johnny, Steve-O, Wee Man, Party Boy, Bam, Preston Lacy, Dave, Ehren and all the other fellas in this film will never win anything but my self respect. It takes guts to get hit by a tidal wave machine, go up against Butterbean and eat a urine-soaked sno-cone. While many will attribute this as a factor to the continuing downfall of society, at least it was damn funny (even with multiple viewings). Never has a film actually induced me to nearly vomit. Not for the tasteful and high faluting type.
Roland E. Zwick (magneteach@aol.com) from United States
About the only thing that can be safely said about the gross-out fest `Jackass – The Movie' is that it is definitely an acquired taste. You will be either delighted or appalled by the masochistic antics contained in this film, and if you ever needed proof that there is a distinct cultural divide existing in this nation today, `Jackass' provides it in spades.
For those who do not know, `Jackass' is the brainchild of Johnny Knoxville and his assorted buddies who have made a lucrative industry out of devising and performing death- and injury-defying stunts so that likeminded individuals, from the comfort and safety of their couches and theater seats, can at least get a vicarious thrill by watching others act out what they themselves wish they had the nerve (or stupidity) to do. (The film, of course, comes with a `don't try this at home' proviso that is as transparently insincere as it is obviously ineffective). `Jackass' is like the ultimate boys-will-be-boys extravaganza, a fifth grade prankster's dream come true. Not only do the `men' perform the stunts, but they spend most of their time in convulsive hysterics responding to them. On-screen vomiting, defecating, intentional bloodletting and the imbibing of urine are just a few of the goodies offered up for the audience's delectation by the makers of the film. Think of this as the dark side of the Peter Pan Syndrome, a tribute to adult men who have serious maturity issues and who clearly refuse `to grow up.'
Like most compilation films, `Jackass – The Movie' is a hit-and-miss proposition. Some of the `stunts' are clever and amusing, and there is a certain anarchic kick to be derived from seeing these guys pushing back the boundaries of conventional common sense and good taste. But there's also a certain mean-spirited tone to so much of what we see on screen that it interferes with our enjoyment of vast portions of the movie. Personally, I don't care if these guys want to injure, maim or even kill themselves to get their kicks, but why do they have to get so many of their laughs at the expense of other people? A number of the `bits' seem designed to do little more than humiliate hardworking business people, innocent bystanders and even members of their own families. In making a cruel version of `Candid Camera,' the filmmakers only heighten their own smugness and attitude of superiority, helping to alienate all but the group's most fanatical followers. What also surprises me – given the general nature of the film's target audience, that is – is just how homoerotic in tone many of these stunts turn out to be. I'm not saying that as a judgment against the film, but I do find it to be an interesting observation.
I don't want to belabor the issues too much here, and I certainly don't believe that the success of this film (and the TV show that spawned it) in any way foretells the imminent collapse of Western Civilization, as others have charged. That is clearly an overreaction. `Jackass – The Movie' is obviously intended for a very specific niche audience and, in those terms, I guess, it gets the job done. Just make sure you're in that niche before spending your hard-earned money to see it. You've been forewarned.
c_p_c from U.S.A.
*SPOILERS*-A couple of the stunts pulled off are mentioned.
I'll start off by saying that I was convinced to go to this movie by some friends of mine. While I knew I probably wouldn't totally like this movie, my feelings of it afterwards were far worse of not liking it. I am not one to usually walk out of movies, but, I couldn't stand this one. The only problem is that I couldn't leave because my ride was greatly enjoying the film.
The humor in this film is so low and gross. These guys have staked their reputation on being of the lowest form of human kind. I can respect dumb humor like this but only so far. From sticking things up their butts, to attaching a firecracker to a guys penis, and to pulling crude pranks and painful pranks on innocent people, this movie has not due credit and should be classified as complete trash. There were many times when I found myself closing my eyes or leaning toward the floor to throw up (and I consider myself to have a decently strong stomach).
The making of such trash like this gives us a look into our society, of how low can we really go and still get people's money. This movie has reached all lows and I feel totally violated. Not worth a penny.
This movie has no merit to it and I regret falling into the peer pressure of going to see this heap of garbage. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY-1/10
Melissa (peachmango18) from Jakarta, Indonesia
Want to spend 87 minutes of your life watching a pathetic group hurting themselves in a senseless way? Jackass: The Movie is a perfect movie to do that. Its a movie that people either hate it or love it instantly. And I'm a proud person to say that I love it. Some funny scenes, gross-out scenes, and some that are just... TOO GROSS! But after the credits roll, you got to think, "How could they possibly do that?" Just to make people laugh. 9.5 stars out of 10
winged_loner from United States
When Jackass scraped across the screens of MTV viewers, people were both disgusted and left rolling on the floor laughing... at the same time. Never before has a show gone so far to make us laugh with experimental slapstick comedy that goes there. Then the film came out... and its non-stop, laugh-till-your-throat-hurts, vomit-till-your-stomach's-dry comedy. There are no stunt-men, no stand-ins... not even a high-tech camera... THIS is Jackass, and it still manages to make us 'ooh' and 'oh my god' plus 'HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!' without tire or wear.... Cheers, you Jackass... you earned it.
mohammedriadh from France
I think the following comment is overwhelming " Johnny Knoxville and his crazy friends appear on the big screen for the very first time in Jackass: The Movie. They wander around Japan in panda outfits, wreak havoc on a once civilized golf court, they even do stunts involving LIVE alligators, and so on. While Johnny Knoxvile and his pals put their life at risk, they are entertaining people at the same time. Get ready for Jackass: The Movie!! "
I haven't seen the second sequel of this movie yet but I'm really disappointed of the first one, so why wasting my time in an immoral unethical pathetic movie Why? If we remove some of the (rare) "clean" funny scenes of this movies it becomes a pure R rated piece of crap! Because this movie is not just an offense to mankind but it also defines humans as unstoppable crazy animals!
lvoock from Fremont, CA
Even with very little expectation in mind, this movie proved to be a disappointment. My wife and I got to the second scene and could stand no more. These kind of gags belong on the cutting room floor of a fraternity dark room. It doesn't take much for a group of guys to come up with different ways to hurt themselves on screen. Perhaps some liked the mindless antics they were showing. I have a reality check for those that sat and watched the whole show. The biggest joke they pulled was getting you to purposefully open your wallet or purse to support their stupidity. Anyone for a couple additions to the Darwin Awards?
Kristine (kristinedrama14@msn.com) from Chicago, Illinois
Ever see a movie called Idiocracy? A film that takes place in the future as we see what our society has become due to the lack of intelligence in film, television, doctor's direction in finding a cure for baldness vs. the cure for cancer, etc. I think Mike Judge had the show Jackass in mind when he wrote that film. Jackass was a show started on MTV that I don't know how, just became very popular. Apparently men hitting their nuts with random objects is very entertaining. But the other day I wanted to watch a movie and my boyfriend brought up Jackass, I decided to go for it, what do I have to loose? Now I knew what I signed up for, after all just look at the title. It starts with the opening credits as the guys are rolling into the set on a shopping cart with epic battle music playing which I have to admit I got a good kick out of, so I thought how bad could this be? Then they start getting hit with cement and are hitting and kicking each other, but I stood strong and held on tight for this movie and God help me, I survived.
Johnny Knoxville and his group of friends get together to pull a bunch of gags that will make you gag. Just imagine a bunch of drunk frat boys that have too much time on their hands and can only think of their gentiles and behinds as the only answer to any prank.
I tried, I really tried, I'm one of the most liberal people you will ever meet. My opinion is as long as it's not hurting anyone, let people do what they want. But I honestly just couldn't find this funny. The only thing I laughed at and felt so dirty laughing was when Johnny and his friends dressed up as the elderly and do random things like shoplift and go running down a hill in their wheel chair. Seeing the people's reactions was just priceless. Party Guy is kind of funny too, even though I had a bad experience a few years ago with someone who dressed up as Party Guy at a Halloween party. One of those things where it's funny to see it happen to someone else as long as it's not you. With Johnny and his friends just laughing maniacally at everything bad that happens to their friends, I just found it more annoying. I feel so bad and uptight saying this, but I have to say that nothing about this movie was enjoyable or entertaining. When I was watching it with my boyfriend, he wasn't laughing, I thought it was because I wasn't, but he said he couldn't laugh, that he found it funny in high school, but not so much now. I think maybe Jackass was just a trend that led up to those wonderful videos on youtube.
People who harm animals or themselves for the sake of laughs is just stupid. I know this is the title, but it worries me that people find this show/movie amusing. It shows that our intelligence is decreasing and our attention span is the length of a peanut. I guarantee you that in 10 to 15 years, these guys are going to have a lot of problems and it's not going to be so funny then. I guess maybe either I'm not as liberal as I thought or I'm just too smart for this kind of humor.
stunt|panda|japan|golf|alligator|mousetrap|pain|self inflicted pain|breaking and entering|burglar|crash up derby|punched in the gut|punched in the face|wasabi snooters|gong|pretend knight|department store|muscle stimulator|sumo wrestler|obese man|obesity|mtv|shoplifter|toilet stool|tidal wave|spray paint|male camaraderie|machismo|party|truck|roller disco|rocket skates|rain|car|kickboxer|mustard|immaturity|condom|toy car|vagina|raised middle finger|blood|money|bullfighting|tug of war|cactus|snow cone|dwarf|bare butt|male nudity|nudity|american flag|stupidity|miniature golf|bicycle|motorized wheelchair|wheelchair|paper cut|fortune teller|jousting|bowling|skateboard|midget|fight|garage|lifeguard|mother son relationship|father son relationship|electric razor|toilet|briefs|underwear|bungee jumping|boogie board|blow up doll|ceiling fan|trampoline|self injury|teasing|kicked in the groin|male frontal nudity|boxing injury|surgical stitches|urination|masturbation|defecation|video camera|scatology|self mutilation|homoeroticism|masochism|black comedy|panda suit|air horn|pole vaulting|bruise|shopping cart|elderly|doctor|golf course|warning|tokyo japan|skateboarding|disguise|thong|tattooing|bmx|hair clippers|vomiting|electric shock|prank on parents|tightrope|firecracker|injury|golf cart|prank|rental car|object in rectum|x ray|boxing|vandalism|fireworks|hidden camera|medic|explosion|based on tv series|shark|
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