One thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity's escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind's new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai. When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai's craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.
Michael_Elliott from Louisville, KY
After Earth (2013)
* (out of 4)
M. Night Shyamalan's big-budget vanity project for father and son team Will and Jaden Smith turns out to be much worse than the trailer. In the film, the father and son crash land on the planet Earth a thousand years after the people were forced to leave it. With daddy's legs broke, the young kid must go out into the scary landscape to retrieve an item that will allow them to make contact with their own world. AFTER EARTH is without question one of the worst sci-fi summer blockbusters ever made. Part of the blame can go towards the director but his handful of haters can't put everything on him. The incredibly bad screenplay also deserves a lot of the blame but so do the Smith boys. I seem to say this after each of his films but it's clear young Jaden has yet to take an acting class and just keeps getting passes because of his dad. I'm sorry but he's just not got a talented bone in his body and he certainly can't show any type of emotion, which is something the story here called for. The fact that he can't act to save his life really kills every emotion that the film goes for and it turns these scenes into something rather laughable. Mr. Will Smith doesn't come in any better. Although I liked his more quiet, laid back style, it just doesn't work considering the screenplay has him sitting around simply talking to the kid. Where Will deserves a lot of blame is getting his son these type of roles, which he can't do and which will eventually make him one of the most laughable actors in Hollywood history. The first couple films he did were just embarrassing but no one has given him the word that he can't act and apparently no one has seen fit to get him into classes so it's really just getting worse. Still, Shyamalan didn't improve the film any as there's really no drama, no suspense and no tension. It also doesn't help that the screenplay is full of clich moments as well as being 100% predictable. I will say that some of the visuals were good but certainly not good enough to sit through this thing.
stogyman-702-800389 from Atlanta GA
I have been a Will Smith fan since Fresh Prince, but in the last several years his on-screen personae and talents have been severely lacking. It is with no small amount of regret that I must say this is the bottom of the barrel for Smith. The short version of it is this: Will has no personality in this movie whatsoever, his non-talented son Jaden is absolutely laughable as a lead figure, the plot drags along for seemingly unending hours with little or no excitement or humor or intrigue to keep our attention or interest, and the underlying themes and tone is nothing more that pure hype for the scientology church. I don't say this very often about most movies...but I seriously would like my $10 and 3 hours of wasted time and money back. This one is a serious stinker
green111 from Wash DC
First, I am a HUGE sci-fi fan and love most sci-fi movies but this was just wrong on so many levels. Bad acting.... No plot.... Story was all overthe couldn't get a good understanding of what was going on in the movie. Graphics & visuals were so,so. I would wait for DVD/Blu Ray and even then I would avoid this movie. I feel like they made a movie just so Will Smith's son could star in it. Save your money. Trust me, you will thank me! I almost walked out of the theater at one point because it just wasn't worth sitting through anymore of its. ..... ..... ..... Nothing else to say. Just save your money! Why Will Smith? You had a pretty good rep on movies now you're starting the Tom Cruise slide into just making a movie cause you think you should.
Julian0922 from United States
I do not know what I want to say, but I want to say something so people won't waste money on this piece of whatever one wants to call it.
I am a big SciFi fan, yet something like that I never experienced. Was it the effects that ruined it, was it the lame story, the extra-lame acting of the second Smith in the movie, the directing of someone who got after Signs too much credit and couldn't deliver since (with the exception of the low budget Devil). I really cant say. Its just very disappointing and I wished I would not have seen it, not spend the time nor the money. But I wanted to know it for myself if the critics are right, since they are so many times wrong (in my opinion).
Well, they are right, and yet they even gave the movie way too much credit. Probably because of Will Smith.
The year is not over, but I do not think that After earth will be topped in the category for "the worst movie of 2013"!
jadepietro from United States
This film is not recommended. Father doesn't always know best, the latest result being After Earth, a vanity project that Will Smith has concocted for his son, Jaden. This wobbly sci-fi tale of survival will certainly test both Mr. and Mr. Smith's star power. Director M. Night Shyamalan, the man who continually keeps falling from grace, one film after the next, is still tumbling further from his talented beginnings, although here the director crashes and burns. This is not to say that After Earth is hopelessly clichéd, it's just hopeless. Shymalan's well- made film has some striking imagery, mostly of panoramic vistas, but his ill-conceived screenplay (co-written with Gary Whitta) keeps this exercise in filmmaking rather earthbound. Adding to that, his main star and one of the film's producers, Papa Smith, pushes nepotism to its limits with this unoriginal dreck. (He is also given story credit for this silliness.) It's not just that this film has no Will power, it just has too much of it, both on screen and off. Will Smith plays the fearless Cypher Raige, a no-nonsense military commando sent on a mission with his newt of a son, Kitai, played by Jaden Smith. Cypher is disappointed with his son's lack of achievement as a cadet and their relationship is a bit strained, just like the acting. The Smiths obviously look the part and act the part with the same stilted delivery. Like father, like son. Unfortunately (for us), they crash land on the apocalyptic Planet Earth. Cypher is injured with two broken legs, but pain is not an option. However a better script would have helped matters. Kitai must now go into rescue mode, wearing his amazing technicolor space suit, fighting beasts and creatures along the way to becoming a man. On his journey of self-awareness, Kitai contends with imminent peril: giant baboons, poisonous leeches, carnivorous tigers, and such. He needs to deal with the fluctuating below-freezing temperatures and an active volcano too. Life is hard. Kitai even battles a monster called the Ursa, a predator that hunts by sensing fear. (If the creature could instead sense the smorgasbord of bad acting on its plate, the Ursa would never go hungry again.) The elder Smith underacts and speaks in annoying solemn platitudes while the younger Smith overacts in a squeaky nasal voice that only a teenager can tolerate. The art direction is mind-numbing. The futuristic sets are bargain basement knockoffs of Disney World's Tomorrowland, circa 1960...very unimaginative with an overabundance of Rubbermaid-influenced interiors and enough flowing linen sheets to make one think that Bed, Bath, and Beyond had given the filmmakers a cut-rate deal for some product endorsements. All of the special effects are barely adequate and not the least bit compelling. After Earth has a strange lethargic listlessness throughout its short length. The film never builds any real tension or suspense. It's just so dull and unrelenting in its stupidity. After Earth is the type of film that gives the sci-fi genre a bad name. Shyamalan and the Smiths might want to use other aliases after creating this debacle. Let's hope they refine their own survival skills when making another film. After Earth is strictly Ursa Minor. So dear moviegoers, heed the film's tag-line: "Danger is real, Fear is a choice". You have been sufficiently warned about the real dangers in viewing After Earth...Fear not, it's still in your control. GRADE: C-
Gordon-11 from Earth
This film is about a space craft that crash-landed on a dangerous planet called Earth, and the only two survivors have to struggle to stay alive.
The first few minutes of "After Earth" already look not so promising, and it only goes downhill from there. Acting is consistently bad by Jaden Smith, he is so annoying as a teenager who constantly freaks out. Will Smith is supposed to be a fearless commander, but his supposed bravery makes him so wooden as if he was a wax statue.
The plot is simply ridiculous. There are so many plot holes that are so obvious, that they simply should not happen. For example, if Will Smith is such a great commander, how could he not command people to wear seat belts when they were about to hit a meteor shower. And the masks are not even connected to anything!? The whole story, from the macro level to the micro level is very poorly written and makes no sense. The supposed emotional climax is so weak, that I wonder if that scene is really supposed to make me feel proud of what is shown on the screen.
"After Earth" is a terrible mess. This time, believe the critics.
rob baylis from United Kingdom
I watched this film with my girlfriend expecting to see another great film by Will Smith. After you have seen him in films like I am Legend, I robot and other great films. I thought this would be yet another. I was poorly mistaken, the acting was terrible. from both Will Smith and his son. I cant help but feel his son only gets parts in films due to his fathers fame. Maybe if the boy were to sell popcorn and soda to people, his contributions to the film industry would be more welcoming. As his acting is far below par. The film was so shockingly boring that my girlfriend and I left the cinema 20min before the film ended. As a few other people had done before us. Avoid this film like the plague. If I could have given it no stars I would have. Bad story line, bad acting, bad film.
Eddie Kureczka from United States
After Earth should be retitled After Birth, because that is exactly how sloppy and dirty this pathetic excuse for a film is. Gross analogy, I know, but trust me, a delivery room after a woman has given birth is a better produced show then this. I honestly don't even know where to start. The film decided to market itself as a Will Smith film, which was the only way to get people to go because of how silly its plot is. Even the Will Smith fans were let down because all he does is sit in a chair the whole time and speak to his son in an over-serious and unintentionally hilarious monotonous voice. He easily gives his worst performance to date, but it is not quite the worst acting in the film. Jaden Smith gives a Razzie worthy performance as an underdeveloped character with a useless upsetting past and an ear-cringing accent. He whines and makes the most stupid mistakes a film character has ever made in the history, provided by the horrendous Shamylan-Esq screenplay where you can't tell if its supposed to be funny or not. "He let me borrow the book Moby Dick, he even let me hold it.""Hold what?" "The" Word for word. This comes off as a terrible joke some sixth grader tries to make, and there are many nonsense lines like this crammed into the ridiculous plot with gaping and obvious plot holes. Why is he making a fire when he's right above a geothermic vent? Why in the heck did the bird who just tried to eat him save his life? Why is that oxygen mask working when its not even attached to anything? Why did Jaden need to get higher on the volcano to send out the transmission when he was just getting closer to the "radioactive cloud"(dafuq)? A ton of these mistakes are so obviously scattered throughout the terrible script. It really just makes it funny. If you enjoy being entertained by stupid movies, I definitely recommend you check this out because it is so bad its funny.
GRADE: D- (The only reason I'm not giving this piece of crap an F is because it's still not as bad as Last Airbender, so you need to give Shamylan some credit)
keiichi73 from United States
Generally, Sci-Fi is supposed to fill us with awe with its visions of other worlds and of the future. All After Earth managed to fill me with is an overall sense of boredom. This is a lifeless adventure story about a gruff military father and his son bonding when they are both stranded on an abandoned planet Earth. The father and son dynamic, which is supposed to be the main dramatic force which drives the story, fails because we don't believe in the relationship, and the actors have zero chemistry. This is odd, considering said actors are the real life father and son, Will and Jaden Smith.
After Earth is the latest movie from director M. Night Shyamalan. Not that the studio would like you to know this. You might remember how just a few years ago, the studios heavily hyped each release from the director, plastering his name all over the poster and ad campaign. However, after a series of expensive flops, Shyamalan's name is no longer a selling point. And so, they literally have hidden his involvement with this stillborn movie that contains some of the shoddiest CG effects I've seen in a big budget summer movie. Just look at the CG baboons, lions and eagles that threaten our heroes during the course of the film. Compare it to the work done with the CG animals in Life of Pi, and the end result is almost comical.
The plot - We learn through endless, droning exposition that humans have been forced to flee Earth for another home planet. Considering the recent Tom Cruise Sci-Fi film, Oblivion, opened in a similar manner, it only made me wish I was watching that film instead. The humans have generally been living peacefully on their new world, except for some pesky encounters with some big, ugly aliens called Ursa who are blind, and can detect people only by smelling their fear. They're yet another hostile alien race who have mastered the art of the jump scare, but not intelligent conversation, since all they can do is roar, growl, and generally look and act like generic CG.
One of the main war heroes in the battle against the Ursa is General Cypher Kaige (Will Smith). Cypher is a tough, battle-hardened military man who seems to have a hard time differentiating his work life from his home life. His son is Kitai (Jaden Smith), a young boy who desperately wants his father's approval, and is trying for a position in the military, but fears he will never live up to dad's lofty expectations for him. Kitai is also haunted by the memory of seeing his older sister, Senshi (Zoe Kravitz), being killed by an Ursa right before his eyes. Cypher's wife suggests a father-son space voyage, so that they can bond. This doesn't go very well, as the ship is severely damaged in an asteroid belt, killing everyone on board except Cypher and Kitai, and sending the ship crashing on the abandoned planet Earth.
So, now they're trapped on Earth, and must rely on each other for survival. Cypher has broken both of his legs in the crash, so it is up to Kitai to get them home. The journey Kitai undertakes is supposed to make him into a man, while allowing his father to win respect for him. This could be effective, if it weren't portrayed in such a crashingly obvious way. Each adventure he undertakes is small in scope - He runs away from a pack of baboons, he fights off some lions, he is briefly poisoned by a parasitic creature...All of these encounters seem like annoyances, rather than grand adventures. There is no sense of scope here, no sense of awe or wonder.
But the real question here is, how could the performances by both Will and Jaden Smith be so wooden, unemotional, and unconvincing? I'm not exactly sure, but my best guess is that they took their character descriptions completely to heart. In the case of Will Smith, I imagine his character bio read something like this - "Cypher is an emotionally distant, gruff military man who has a hard time showing emotion, or being open with his son". And so, Will Smith interprets his character as if he is completely devoid of any emotion whatsoever. He reads all of his lines in a passive, monotone voice. It got to the point where I found myself wondering if I wasn't watching the wax statue figure of Will Smith from Madame Tussaud's museum instead.
The performance by young Jaden Smith is not much better. He often comes across as shrill and grating, his voice pitched at this high and whiny tone. It just made me want to peel him right off the screen and replace him with another actor every time he opened his mouth. Who is to blame for these awful turns by these actors who have been likable in the past? Was the director's heart just not in this project? That sounds reasonable. Say what you will about Shyamalan's recent body of work, but I've often found something to admire in the look of a lot of his films. Here, we get no interesting visuals. Even the fleeting glimpses we get of humanity's new planet home are disappointing, and look like they were shot on a studio soundstage.
After Earth is the kind of movie experience you want to forget as soon as possible. In a year that has already brought us Sci-Fi films like Oblivion and the flawed-but-enjoyable Star Trek Into Darkness, this movie feels all the more insignificant and lame.
Robert W. ( from Ontario, Canada
The outpouring of hatred over this movie makes no sense. This week I had the opportunity to see four of the current big movies in the theatre and this was by far the best of them. The same petty arguments are being made by people that claim this is awful. Jaden Smith, M. Night, and even Will Smith. So I went in with very low expectations...I mean the film has a 4.7 rating right now which is atrocious. So thank you all for the meagre expectations because I thought the film was great. Not amazing, not life changing but great. Then again I have disagreed with the masses on an M. Night film before. I thought Lady In The Water was superbly brilliant. Then again this is also the guy that made The Happening, easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. Still I found this film to be entertaining, decently acted, very good special effects and a generally well made, well produced film. M. Night really is a brilliant story teller, we've seen it before with his successful movies (and in my opinion his less than successful ones.) Whether he hits or misses he tries very hard and I saw the fantastic imagination that went into this movie.
Will Smith has always been THEE personified movie star. Nearly every film he made was a huge hit. The guy has an undeniable incredible charisma and yes he has a big ego but somehow it works for him. In this film he is almost a supporting actor. He spends nearly the entire film laid up and on a com headset. Still he brings a certain intensity to the role and is certainly believable as a man who has learnt to eliminate fear. I'm nearly as sick about hearing how much people hate Jaden Smith as I am about people hating Justin Bieber. I don't understand the hatred for the kid. Yes he has an ego, just like his Dad but I think he's reasonably talented, he is still pretty young to really know if he has the acting chops that his Dad has. I thought he actually did a great job in this film. He didn't show the ego that he tends to have in person and him and his Dad worked very well together. Both roles were solid and carried the film just right. Jaden was a full on action/sci-fi hero and it worked and was believable and bravo to him for that.
Somewhere along the line M. Night Shyamalan became a joke and that's unfortunate. I don't really fully understand why he became such a joke. I mean, he has made a few horrendous stinker (The Happening) but he has also made some amazing films. I wouldn't put this into his amazing movies but I wouldn't put it anywhere near his stinkers. This was a great, entertaining, emotionally charged sci-fi flick and I enjoyed every minute of it. I admit I was caught into the M. Night hoopla and expected a twist ending but this one is just a straight forward mainstream adventure flick. One of the final scenes between father and son was near brilliant and almost brought tears to my eyes. The special effects were very well done and some of the monsters and beasts they created were epic in stature and should be looked at as being fun and well done. I guess I just don't understand the expectations people had from this. It seems that people have a real grudge against young entertainers like Jaden Smith but I am not one of them and I encourage you if you love sci-fi to watch this and simply enjoy it. 8/10
Will Smith considers this his worst film. Despite this, there were some casual film viewers that actually enjoyed this movie. Some people even call it M. Night Shyamalan's "redemption", for all the previous films he had made.
The original idea for the film was a father and son on a camping trip. After the car they're traveling in careens off the road, the son makes his way through the forest to find help for the father. Realizing that the idea had greater potential, producer Will Smith and screenwriter Gary Whitta decided to adapt the basic survival concept into a much larger science-fiction project.
Although not credited on the finished film, co-writer/producer Will Smith was responsible for much of the movie's direction. While M. Night Shyamalan was primarily in charge of the blocking (composition of shots, placement of the camera) and the visual aspects of the film (color and design), it was Will Smith who personally coached Jaden Smith in his performance and dictated the development of the story and the on-screen action.
Will Smith personally hired M. Night Shyamalan to direct. Smith had wanted to work with Shyamalan for several years, but couldn't find a suitable project.
The first time in twenty years that director M. Night Shyamalan has accepted a project based on someone else's screenplay.
Winner of 3 Razzie awards for worst actor, worst supporting actor and worst screen combo. It was nominated but did not win for worst picture, worst director and worst screenplay.
There are two animals that can be linked as a proxy of animals that really co-existed with humans and were quite dangerous. The predatory big cats are often referred to as "sabre-toothed" cats, which could be true if one was using Machairodus or Homotherium as a reference. The giant condor could be based on Argentavis, a giant condor of the South American Miocene Epoch that is considered the largest flying bird to ever have existed. The Haast Eagle seems to also be a source of inspiration, which was the largest bird of prey ever to take flight and existed in New Zealand from the end of the Pleistocene to the middle of the Holocene in approximately 1400 AD when their main food source, the giant Moa went extinct through human activity. What this has to do with the condor of this film is that the Maori Settlers told stories of the bird carrying away children, men, and women and was known to these people as the Pouakai.
Producer/co-writer Will Smith envisioned After Earth (2013) as a multi-platform franchise, including books, graphic novels, and interactive video games, which would all inform and add to the ideas and concepts already developed in the finished film.
Eisner Award-winning comic writer Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman and Robert Greenberger produced a 300-page "bible" covering the history of mankind, from their decision to leave Earth to the events depicted in the finished film. It was intended to serve as a resource for all kinds of ancillary materials in the After Earth (2013) franchise.
Second time that real-life father and son Will Smith and Jaden Smith play father and son on screen. The first time was in Jakten pa lycka (2006).
A series of spin-off novels, sub-titled "Ghost Stories", have been planned to promote the movie, but are also intended to flesh out the concepts in the film itself. The titles of these books include 'Innocence', Peace, 'Hunted' and 'A Perfect Beast.' All books are written by writers Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman and Robert Greenberger, with illustrations by Benito Lobel.
Hesper was a bulk-freighter steamship that was used to tow schooner-barges on the Great Lakes. The Hesper sank off the coast of Lake Superior at Silver Bay, Minnesota, USA, in a late spring snowstorm in 1905. The Hesper is the ship that Jaden and Will Smith boarded and crashed in.
The original cut was 130 minutes long and included more backstory on the decline of earth and the formation of Nova Prime though the film was massively re-edited after performing poorly at test screenings so any actors playing Nova Primates were reduced to extras or cut out entirely. The deleted footage will likely never be seen as M. Night Shyamalan is satisfied with the theatrical cut.
M. Night Shyamalan's first digital film. The first feature film shot with Sony's F65 digital camera.
While the spaceship's interior design in the movie may seem novel, the same interior style was used in 1984's Supergirl, with Peter O'Toole, Helen Slater, and Faye Dunaway.
The original screenplay was written by Gary Whitta based on an idea by Will Smith. In pre-production, director M. Night Shyamalan did a few drafts of the screenplay to familiarize himself with the material, before passing it over to Stephen Gaghan, who stayed on as the chief screenwriter during production. Mark Boal, writer of The Hurt Locker (2008) and Zero Dark Thirty (2012), also worked on the script.
To promote the movie, Harper Collins and Insight Editions published 'After Earth: United Ranger Corps Survival Manual' and 'After Earth: Kitai's Journal.'
Kristofer Hivju, Lincoln Lewis, and Isabelle Fuhrman had major supporting roles in the original cut though the majority of their scenes were deleted during post-production (In the theatrical cut Hivju has one scene, Lewis has one line, and only the back of Fuhrman's head is visible in one shot (though her face can be seen in the trailer).
When Kitai is walking to see his father after they've been rescued he passes a man sitting in front of a screen. On the screen is Kitai's killing of the Ursa. You can see the moment with Kitai stands up pulling out the blades on the screen.
Earth is apparently already difficult to breathe in yet Kitai approaches an active volcano which could be even more dangerous as volcanic ash is harmful to breathe.
While transporting the Ursa all passengers on the ship are required to wear life suits in case of an emergency but Cypher doesn't take one for himself. While it is established that the character is fearless, just because you are fearless doesn't mean you can't be prepared for emergencies.
Right before Kitai reaches the river, his father's cutlass is on his backpack. The cutlass disappears in the next shot, right before he starts building his raft, until Kitai picks up a new one at the crash site.
After Kitai climbs/digs out of the pig hole,he finds he is being followed by the mother bird and is often seen holding his cutlass protectively and yelling at her to "Leave me alone!" In the following scene he takes his final breathing fluid, but there is also no sign of his cutlass. He builds a raft,floats down stream but his cutlass is forever lost after that & we never learn how he lost it.
Before the crash, Cypher Raige straps himself into the chair with the X harness. In the next shot, he's in the background with no straps on. In the next shot after that, you can see he's strapped in again.
When Kitai climbs out of the underground river, the next shot shows the water relatively undisturbed.
When Kitai starts running up the volcano through the bushes to set off the beacon, the shadow of a moving camera crane appears in the lower screen.
An arterial shunt is applied on the inner thigh, far from any arteries.
The ECG's run backwards.
When the asteroids get ejected from the wormhole along with the ship, they immediately begin to slow down. In space, however, they would continue in their speed until e.g. hitting an obstacle or entering the gravitational pull of a planet.
During the voice-over at the very beginning, Cypher Raige's ability to not be detected by the Ursa is described. It is stated that "This phenomena is known as ghosting". The correct singular form of the word is phenomenon.
Cypher states that all the living organisms on earth have evolved to kill humans despite the fact that there haven't been any humans on earth for 1,000 years.
If the earth has a low oxygen atmosphere then how are all the other animals on earth able to breathe?
box office flop|fear|father son team|race against time|critically bashed|real life father and son playing father and son|post apocalypse|no opening credits|asteroid|general|fearless|crash landing|spacecraft|planet|dreaming|seeing sister killed|building raft|bird of prey|climbing down a vine|nesting dolls|glide suit|herd of animals|walking in the woods|book|flock of birds|spider crawling on hand|quarantine|amputee|alien invasion|jogging|showdown|stabbed to death|stabbed in the back|stabbed in the chest|animal attack|animal killing|river|jumping from height|body suit|antidote|self injection|poison|sword|spear|rainforest|volcano|cave|campfire|waterfall|foot chase|chase|blindness|giant monster|giant creature|giant animal|giant bird|tiger|monkey|bird|broken leg|heavy rain|lightning|rainstorm|jungle|gas mask|monster|creature|explosion|explosive decompression|camera|tracking device|hologram|ship captain|asteroid belt|spaceship|hallucination|death of sister|flashback|courage|brother sister relationship|survival|desert|husband wife relationship|father daughter relationship|mother daughter relationship|mother son relationship|training|army|military|commander|captain|war hero|war veteran|space travel|outer space|child in peril|teenage hero|teenager|coming of age|written by director|spaceship crash|father son relationship|alien|trek|predator|alien creature|alien predator|chick|scenic beauty|two word title|planet in title|
AKAs Titles:
Argentina - Despu s de la Tierra
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) - —ем‚а: ово на‡ало
Bolivia - Despu s de la Tierra
Brazil - Depois da Terra
Canada (English title) - After Earth
Canada (French title) - Aprs la Terre
Chile - Despu s de la Tierra
Germany - After Earth
Ecuador - Despu s de la Tierra
Estonia - Prast maailmalppu
Spain - After Earth
UK - After Earth
Greece - After Earth
Croatia - Zemlja: Novi poetak
Hungary - A Fld utn
Israel (Hebrew title) - Ha'olam aharey
India (Tamil title) (dubbed version) - Abaya Graham
Italy - After Earth
Italy (promotional title) - After Earth - Dopo la fine del mondo
Lithuania - Zeme - nauja pradzia
Mexico - Despu s de la Tierra
Mexico - Despu s de la tierra
Panama - Despu s de la Tierra
Peru - Despu s de la Tierra
Poland - 1000 lat po Ziemi
Portugal - Depois da Terra
Romania - 1000 post Terra
Serbia - Nakon Zemlje
Russia - Ÿоле наˆей €‹
Turkey (Turkish title) - Dnya - Yeni Bir Baslangi
Ukraine - —емл пiл наˆоi е€и
USA (working title) - 1000 A.E.
USA (informal title) - After Earth
Uruguay - Despu s de la Tierra
Venezuela - Despu s de la Tierra
Vietnam - Tro Ve Trai Dat
Release Dates:
Argentina:13 / Australia:M / Canada:PG / Canada:G (Quebec) / Denmark:11 / Finland:K-12 / Germany:12 / Hong Kong:IIB / Hungary:12 / India:U/A / Ireland:12A / Japan:G / Malaysia:PG-13 / Mexico:B / Netherlands:12 / New Zealand:M / Peru:PT / Philippines:G / Portugal:M/12 / Singapore:PG13 / South Korea:12 / Sweden:11 / Switzerland:12 / UK:12A / USA:PG-13 (certificate #47636)